As if by coincidence, she passed down a familiar street and noticed the boys who were in the shop earlier sitting on their bikes. They were in fact, the same boys who often chased her when she was riding which made her finally click as to why they all seemed familiar.

She decided to provoke them a little.

She popped a wheelie next to them as some of them were coming out of the shop, turning their heads at hearing the sound of the loud bike. Their excited faces made her laugh as they raced to jump on their own bikes to catch up. There were a lot of taunts and laughter that night, and they had a lot of fun.

When she finally got home, she showered again feeling a little bit sweaty and collapsed completely exhausted in her bed as she thought about her day. A smile tugged at her lips 'You know, they actually seem like some fun guys to hang out with.'


"Jeez! Slow down Nao-chan!" Senju's loud voice pierced Naoka's ears, her grip tightening on the dark haired girl's waist as they zoomed down the highway towards Wakasa's gym.

"Not my fault you decided to mess around so long with your hair. It's just going to get messed up again anyway!" The dark haired girl shouted over the wind. She knew that her friend was blushing so hard right now.

"I- I don't care! It's you're driving that's going to mess it up!" Senju complained pulling a hearty laugh from Naoka who didn't let up on the speed. She knew her brother was going to murder her ass for being late, again.

When they finally arrived, she received the long lecture as she had expected, all the while mocking him behind his back along with Takeomi who was trying his best to keep a straight face.

"Oi, quit provoking her." Wakasa scolded, not even turning to spare Takeomi a glance who tensed up, forgetting the fact that the lilac eyed boy had the sharpest senses he had ever known.

"We're here now, so let's just get started!" Senju chimed as she clapped her hands together with a lovely smile. "Wanna spar first, bro?" She asked turning to her brother who let out a sigh.

"Go easy on me would ya? I'm getting old." He complained, resting his hand on his back and she rolled her eyes.

"You're only like, 27? that's not old." She chimed, sending a quick look to Wakasa who smiled. Naoka raised her brows in surprise as she leaned against the ropes.

'I'm just happy Senju didn't want to beat my ass first.' She thought, sighing in relief.

The pink haired girl was clearly the one more excited to fight while Naoka saw it as a chore. The green eyed girl had always been a far greater fighter than Naoka, she was a prodigy, but it was clear it was because she enjoyed it.

While her and Senju were similar, they were also very different as Senju loved to pursue fighting, while Naoka really only cared for bikes and riding.

Naoka wasn't opposed to violence, she would definitely get physical when she needed to, but it wasn't something she pursued or particularly liked participating in.

Naoka recalled the name of a boy Senju always went on about that she wanted to fight one day. She had heard many times about how great at fighting he was which surprised her as not many people could rival her bestie.


The face of the boy she had met the other day in the shop popped into her mind and she wondered if that was indeed him.

Naoka never liked to judge a person based off appearances alone, but couldn't imagine Mikey fighting no matter how hard she tried. However, she couldn't deny that he had a certain presence that was almost dangerous.

She found it alluring.

If this rumour was indeed true, she would love to see him in action for herself.

"Oi, sparring time, get your head outta the clouds." Her brothers voice rang in her ears as he jabbed her side, ushering her to get in the other ring.

It didn't take long into their session for him to realise she wasn't paying attention. She had also started to become lazy, but that wasn't quite it. Noticing his little sisters very distracted state, a smirk crossed his lips as he prepared to mess around.

Each time she would miss a hit from being unfocused, he would playfully slap her head in the way she hated. He could see her getting grumpy which only made him grin in amusement, chuckling from time to time as well.

Eventually she had enough of him provoking her and flipped him onto his back. His eyes widened for the briefest moment in surprise, not having expected her to do such a thing and she pinned him.

"There, you should have this sort of energy from the start." He taunted and she scoffed rolling her eyes.

"Says the lazy cow who never cooks dinner!"

"I don't know how."

"Lies! Complete lies!"

"They're fighting again." Senju sighed as her foot rested on top of her brother's chest. He was far too easy for her, and she wanted to take on Wakasa next.

"Well, what more do you expect from those two?"



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