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Kakashi only used his fully formed Sharingan only when absolutely needed. Kakashi was in Anbu gear fighting a clan of Kekkei users a small clan who fights smaller villagers, there were few of them and rabid ones such as these are even fewer. But it wasn't unheard of. Then in one particular tricky spot where not him, because he wouldn't care if he died really, but Itachi a new-ish recruit he was responsible for who jumped in front of Gemma to block a blow only for his back to be left venerable he used it. If he didn't Gemma wouldn't be here, because the enemy would have killed him. He felt dots sparkle his vision, and he assumed he had a concussion seeing things when he saw his ability sucked a ghost-like human figure into the closest body it could find which was the attack before he stopped it wondering what the hell was that. All he could think about was using his ability to bring something or do something, anything, to stop the shinobi from killing his precious comrade. It brought something alright, and it didn't look good as he was standing by pure will alone fighting unconsciousness. The body before seemed there in one second and gone in a face away place he couldn't see but was really dark with shining rectangular a of blocks and lights not that he paid it much attention. It seemed faded and flickering as the body latched onto the other shinobi. The bodies were stuck together and everyone stared at what happened. Kakashi silently signed his men to kill them in the distraction silently while he continued to observe as Gemma and Itachi observed and watched his back for cover. The body on top of the shinobi, a child's? The skin started to melt and both bodies screamed violently in pain and terror. Blood spilled out of their skin and their bones were visible. Kakashi definitely was having nightmares later for this, especially with his Sharingan still intact. The bodies were melt and then squished together. In wonder he watched as a ghost like figure of both bodies were there and one glowed blue and the other glowed in a different way, just bright. It wasn't exactly a color. The bodies were pressed and mixed with each other until they swirled into a new shape. The skin that was left of both as the new body shape was lifted downwards. The bigger soul glowed more on the sider in strange path like patterns while the smaller body tried to pick up the prices of the bodies and gather them back onto the skin. The dimension started slipping, and the bodies rushed with their work to contain themselves. As if if the Justu stopped, they would be forced as ghosts forever. A bright light he had to shut his eyes for, and the last of his will to stay awake was taken from him as soon as he closed his eyes and chakra exhaustion came to him.

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