Chapter One

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~Four years later~

Terracotta sat perched on a tall tree, tilting her head thoughtfully at the sights of the rainforest. A toucan cooed at a sloth that was getting in it's way, a blue tree frog happily hopped from leaf to leaf, and a slightly round, bright purple RainWing lay dozing on a platform below her.

Terracotta smiled, and shifted her position so that she could see the dragon better below her. This RainWing had one clear vision in Terracotta's mind. In a few years she would break up with her longtime boyfriend, resulting in an explosive fight with her parents. Terracotta giggled loudly at these images, which made the resting dragonet frown in her sleep and roll over uncomfortably.

"Oops!" Terracotta whispered, covering her snout with her talons. Due to this sudden change in footing, she promptly fell off her branch and crashed straight onto the platform below her, squishing the sleeping RainWing beneath her body weight.

"Hey!" the dragon yelled, waking up. "What—What's wrong with you?" she said groggily.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry!" Terracotta yelled, quickly scrambling off the mass of now-bright-red scales. The RainWing laughed gayly. "You must be preeeettyy clumsy to fall on the 'Royal Princess of the RainWings' like that during sun time."

"What?" Said Terracotta, alarmed. "Royal? Oh no, oh no no no no."

The dragonet burst into racious giggles. "I was joking!" she said, doubling over and clutching her stomach as her scales turned a bright yellow, accentuated with spots of pink here and there. "You're GULLIBLE too! Ha!" Terracotta frowned. "I'm not Gullible," she said, confused. "I'm Terracotta." The RainWing giggled once more. "And my name is Allspice!" she said. "Nice to meet you, not-gullible-I'm-terracotta!"

"You as well," Terracotta said, making her mind up that she liked this dragon. She had been told she was weird on multiple occasions, and this young dragonet definitely couldn't be any less weird than herself, right? "You know, you have a funny future, Allspice." she said, tilting her head. "Fights and rivalries because of things you can control. I'm not sure I fully understand your reasoning."

"Uhhh." Allspice's jaw dropped. "You can SEE the FUTURE!?" "That is one of many ways of understanding my predicament, but yes, yes yes." Terracotta replied. "But alas, I am not authorized to spread this information, I didn't mean to—"

"COOL!" Allspice yelled, innocently unable to hear past the fact that Terracotta was a RainWing seer. "That is SO AWESOME! Our tribe hasn't, like EVER had a seer! Does the queen know? Oooh, can you see her future? Are you part NightWing? Is that why you wear glasses? RainWings don't normally wear glasses...And it makes you look all cool and smart and prophecy-ish! I like the way they twist up your horns, by the way. Did you do that on purpose? Did you KNOW you would do that on purpose, when you saw the future? Are you, like, totally SECRET with your powers... Am I the only one that knows? Oh wow, we're like, best friends now right? You told me a secret didn't you?! This is so cool."

Terracotta was purely dumbfounded, and had no idea what to say. She knew she wasn't supposed to tell anyone about her powers, but... well, it kind of just slipped out. And her parents wouldn't be mad at her for just one mistake, would they?

"Oh, and Terra?" Allspice said, waving her violet-colored talons in Terracotta's face. "Is it okay if I call you that? Never mind. What I was going to say is... I don't know if this is rude, but could you maybe not read my future anymore? I mean, if we're gonna be friends."

"Friends?" The word echoed in Terracotta's brain. No one had ever, like, ever asked to be friends with her. All the little dragonets she used to play with when she was small only taunted her because of her glasses, and made fun of her because she had a hard time changing colors. All of the sudden, this joyous purple dragonet wanted to be friends with her? Terracotta swallowed a rising lump in her throat. She had absolutely no experience with this kind of stuff. She usually liked being alone, and didn't interact with other dragons much. She had no idea what to do.

Terracotta was jolted back to reality when she remembered what Allspice had said. "Yup yup yup." she said. "Of course I will not read your future. Nope, nope I won't. But my powers do not work as well as you have been made to believe. Nope. I only see the future when it wants to be seen. Not all the time, no no. I have only envisioned one teensy tiny event in your large, unfolding life so far."

Allspice sighed with relief as her scales faded to a calm, sea-blue. "Oh good." she said. "For a second I though you, like, knew EVERYTHING in my future. I really don't want to know what on earth is going to happen to me, my goodness! Oooh, ooh, ooh, but maybe you could tell me the tiny thing you saw...Like, is there a super-cute guy named Sugar in my future? Like...You know, maybe we're DESTINED for each other...?" Allspice looked at Terracotta eagerly.

"Um..." Terracotta glanced around. Didn't Allspice just say that she didn't want to know anything? "Yes, I do see him." Terracotta said. "But unfortunately—"

Allspice obviously couldn't hear her. She had launched herself off the platform into the air, and was flying in circles, whooping out loud. Terracotta couldn't help but notice what a clumsy flier she was. Nearby, RainWings in their hammocks were glancing over at Allspice and grumbling angrily.

"Allspice!" Terracotta whispered loudly. "Come down here! Please!"

Allspice landed next to Terracotta with a loud thump, grinning ear-to ear, her scales now a eye-straining hot pink all over. "DID YOU HEAR THAT PRISTINE!?" She yelled over at a pretty nearby RainWing. "Sugar is MIIINE!" Terracotta covered her head in her talons as Pristine and Allspice started arguing loudly. "NU-UH!" Pristine yelled back. "He hates you! You muddy scum!"

"Well if I'M muddy scum, YOU'RE a pile of scavenger dung!" Allspice stuck her tongue out at the pink dragonet.

"How DARE YOU!" Pristine screamed. "I'm gonna go tell my MOTHER!" she climbed out of the hammock and swept away gracefully to the queen's platform.

"CRYBABY!" Allspice yelled, cupping her talons around her snout to magnify her voice. "YOU'RE A LITTLE—" Terracotta smacked her talons straight over Allspice's loud snout. "Shh!" she whispered. "Is that not the current queen's adopted daughter!?"

"Ahh," Allspice said, brushing Terracotta's talons away. "Who cares? We've known each other for-ever. If she keeps crushing on Sugar, Im'a break her horns off."

"That doesn't mean she won't make your life completely terrible, and extremely off-track from important planned events and milestones!" Terracotta argued, exasperated.

Allspice raised her eyebrows. "Ah, silly future-seer." she said. "I'M the one making her life terrible!" She giggled, and then snorted, covering her snout as a surprised expression hit her face.

Terracotta couldn't help but grin slightly. She had a sunshine-filled glimpse of the future right then and there, and she knew this happy, bouncy dragon would be a part of her life forever.

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