Today just feels good.

"Mr. Brown, it's time to make the announcement." One of my employees told me.

Everybody slowly gravitated towards where I was with the mic in my hand. My family being in front of the crowd of course. The press scattered around as we were live on the news.

"I just wanna thank everybody for coming out and supporting. Glad we have some positive things going on in the community. Eastover on the news for something better than what we usually hear. I couldn't do it without everybody here today." I said and some people clapped.

"With that being said I'm happy to announce that starting this coming school year the Hailee Brown Fund, named after my daughter Syncere. It will be a $10,000 Scholarship reward given annually to 3 high school seniors who either have the best GPA or overall work ethic." I announced causing everyone to cheer.

"With this scholarship I hope to encourage and motivate the youth to do better in school and if school isn't your thing then do the best in whatever your passion is. This money will be available for anything apprenticeships, community college, trade school, four-years, ju-cos, anything you would like to pursue." I said hearing sirens approach almost mixing in with the applause.

"This will be the first of many things to come from the center and whether it's me up here or somebody else know that the mission is still the same. We want a better life for our children. More opportunities, that's what the Youth Developement Center strives for. So thank y'all again." I said as police started piling into the field.

I looked at and Indya seeing her looking back at the police then at me.

"Freeze!" One of them said causing gasps and murmurs throughout the crowd.

I slowly placed the mic down surrendering as they began walking up to me.

"No no no!" Indya cried out as tears formed in her eyes.

"Jahir Brown you are under arrest for the murder of Jawaun Mills. You have the right to remain silent-." The police started putting me in cuffs.

Indya passed Syncere to her mom before trying to come towards me but Izaiah held her back.

"Calm down Indya, I'm ight." I told her as they continued reading my rights walking me towards the police car.

I took one last look at my family. Indya's face filled with tears. Her parents and siblings consoling her. My momma looking at me shaking her head.

Walking down I looked at my community looking at me in shock. News cameras in my face. It was like something out of a movie.

"Y'all really arresting this man at his own event?" I heard somebody say.

"Fuck 12!" Somebody else yelled.

Continuing looking through the crowd of people as we got closer and closer to the cop car my eyes locked with a familiar face in the crowd.

Alexander Parker looking at me with smirk, like this shit was funny as I got shoved into the back of a police car.

"Better get familiar with these cuffs boy." The officer driving told me before pulling off.

I thought today felt too good to be true.

Indya Brown
10:44 pm
📍The Brown Residence

I laid in bed in a puddle of tears.

We've been preparing for this moment for months but nothing can prepare you for when it actually happens.

Not only did they take the love of my life away, my daughter's father but on one of the best days of his career.

Every local news station was running his story at some point. It was making me cry even more to see it. Not because of criticism he was getting because majority of the people at the event sympathized with Jahir. But because it was clear the police department wanted to humiliate him.

Then Jawaun's mom on the screen popping her shit about my husband like her son was some saint. It was infuriating to watch so I eventually turned it off.

"Dior." I heard Rob's voice from the other side of the door after he knocked.

"Please leave me alone." I told him.

"You gotta be strong man we talked about this." He told me.

"I'll be strong tomorrow I just need this one night, please." I told him putting my head deeper into my pillow.

Hearing footsteps retreat I took a breath of relief and wiped my face. Seconds later my stomach felt weird causing me to run to the bathroom and throw up once again.

"Not again." I moaned out in agony.

Once I finished I got up brushing my teeth remembering I never checked the results for the pregnancy tests I took.

I closed my eyes and whispered "3 2 1" before looking at two positive pregnancy tests causing tears to cloud my vision once again.

How could this happen to me?

I practically have a newborn, I'm pregnant again, and my husband's locked up.

I Knew today felt too good to be true.

My man in prison he ain't do that shit your honor! Free my dawg 'till it's backwards!


What's next for the center now?

Indya's pregnant again, thoughts?

Favorite cartoon growing up?

Money Trees Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon