39: I couldn't save you from the love sickness

Start from the beginning

Though I'd heard it a tons of times already, it never got less amusing to hear Beck and the drama club existing together in one sentence. I guess I had Miss Green to thank for that. 

So, Miss Green had come across Beck having one of her Beck-ish moments – don't ask me what that meant. The only thing I can tell you though, was that it involved Beck's usual bluntness, and Oliver Turner looking like he wanted to cry.

Miss Green, however, came to the 'amazing' conclusion that Beck would be just perfect for her upcoming spring play, and she'd voiced the same to Beck who of course, was more than thrilled to get to act in a play.

Ok, maybe not so thrilled. Just a little thrilled. Actually, a little less than 'just a little.' Fine, if the resounding 'no' she'd told Miss Green was anything to go by, then let's just say she was pretty far from being thrilled.

But in the end, Miss Green's unrelenting optimism and persistence, seemed to have finally won her over. Although, Miss Green had not been as successful in stirring the thrill factor in her – and it was clear from her exasperated face now, as she complained about 'hating her life' thanks to the drama club. 

“Well, look on the bright side. At least, you'd get to play yourself.”

“Actually, I'm playing a heartless witch who seeks to destroy everyone,” she pointed out. And watching the satisfied smile on her face as she spoke, it was clear she was more excited about this whole drama thing than she let on.

To her though, I gave a 'thoughtful' nod in response, only to voice a sly: “so, yourself then.”

“Bitch,” she seethed, the both of us chortling.

A little later though, and our attention was soon drawn to the posters which were being put up. And I found myself staring at one of them a little longer than I should. 

Well, mostly because it had a really nice design – not like I expected anything less though. I mean, with Shay heading the prom committee this year, it was a given that every last detail of this year's prom was going to be nothing short of amazing.

“I guess we'd soon start seeing some super sweet promposals,” Beck remarked from beside me, making a cringe face when she said 'super sweet.'

“Yeah. But to be fair, that's part of what makes prom so special. Being asked to prom by someone you care about, and having to share such a magical night with them – almost like you both are trapped in a dream that you don't ever want to wake up from.”

I felt my lips curl into a smile just from imagining it – and it really was a wonderful image. The only problem was that the person in my mental picture was...oh no! Why was he there? I shouldn't be imagining my prom night with him! So, why?

The feeling of a whack on my head pulled me out of my crazed thoughts. 

“Oww,” I cried, eyeing the culprit. “What was that for?”

“I just wanted to get rid of whatever has possessed your head. I know you must be under some possession. But don't worry, I'll get rid of it.” And saying that, she readied her hand to whack me yet again.

 I barely managed to dodge away, chuckling as I did. “Beck, are you crazy? Ok, that's a dumb question; you obviously are,” I sallied, earning a playful glare from her. “And what possession are you talking about? I'm totally fine.”

“Really?” She questioned, eyeing me warily. And when I nodded my affirmation, she shook her head slowly, looking as though I'd just admitted to giving up my brain for free chips. She soon placed a hand on my shoulder, still wearing that same look.

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