Dark elves tribe (Aura)

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A day in LOTRS with Aura

Although it was impossible to tell from looking outside the window, Aura felt that the sun must have come up outside already.

As a ranger, she was quite sensitive to these things. In the wild, sunrise meant a completely different cycle of life was about to start as various animals awoke from their slumber while others were going to sleep to conserve energy for the following night.

Aura herself didn't really need sleep. One of the rings on her finger was plenty to make sure she never needed food or sleep in order to serve Nazarick without halt. However, Ainz still demanded that the guardians relax once in awhile in order to avoid mental stress which their rings did not protect them from. The fact that Albedo, who managed most of Nazarick's internal workings, retreated to her private room every once in awhile was proof that this was true.

Despite this Aura had hardly been burdened with a mountain of tasks and had almost no need to relax. This in turn at times made her feel like she was not trusted enough by her master to be tasked with more work. But she quickly cast those thoughts aside as she knew all too well that her master was wise beyond comprehension and everything he did had meaning. Her not getting as many tasks as the others must simply mean that he had other plans for her.

Having decided that this was the reason, Aura finally raised her upper body from the bed and looked around the room.

The room was not extravagant or well decorated, and if one considered that it was the sleeping place for emissaries, it would be interpreted as quite rude by most foreign dignitaries. However, one had to take into account that this was probably a room previously occupied by some important figure who worked in the elder's house. And they had been forced to rapidly turn this into a guest room for the twins.

Although it was dark, Aura could clearly see everything as her class and race provided ample passives that increased vision and detection. To her, the room may as well have been completely lit as she lazily looked around whilst recovering from a slight daze she was in. At last, her eyes focused as she became fully awake and jumped out of the bed whilst even making a somersault during the jump.

Almost waiting for the applause that she naturally knew would never come, she stood in place for a bit without moving before she finally gave up on receiving praise. This was just a bit of an immature quirk she had that she sometimes wondered if her creator had put this in her or if she was just like this because she was effectively still a child.

Getting a bit depressed by the puzzling question, she angrily decided to turn to her brother in order to vent her anger on him.

Not surprisingly at all, she noticed that even after all the commotion she had made, her brother was still soundly sleeping in bed as all that he lacked was the proverbial bubble coming out his nose and he would simply be the picture of being deeply sleeping.

Not showing any mercy, she walked up to the other side of the bed and with an evil grin on her face...

"Wake up you lazy whimp!"

She promptly tilted the bed at such an angle that her brother could not do anything but fall off.

Mare felt as it the entire world had been upside down, which to him most likely seemed like the truth. All he could do was meekly cry out with a shrill voice as he tumbled on the the floor.

"Eeeeh, what has happened? Why is Oneesan being mean so early in the morning?"

"It's because of your habit of sleeping through the end of times! Today the two of us will spend a day with the other dark elves and you are not the least bit excited or worried! Today might be the first time you are actually able to make some friends, aren't you the least bit interested?"

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