Dark elves tribe (A hope)

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Camus watched as the two twins and Ainz walked away before shifting his gaze back to the Elder. He opened his mouth to say something but was halted by the elder's hand rising to indicate that he should remain quiet.

The elder's other hand ruffled around inside his robe before taking out what looked like a black stone that emanated a faint purple glow. The elder gripped the stone tightly before a magic aura spread out from it and covered the entire courtyard in a veil like membrane.

"Now we can talk freely."

The elder must have been wary of that ranger elf boy who naturally would have good hearing and could obviously not be allowed to hear what was about to be said.

"Elder, why on earth would you agree with such a blatant request for total submission? Those children may promise us the heavens, but in the end it is their master who must deliver. Considering he is an undead like the priest has said, isn't it too dangerous to affiliate ourselves with such a figure?"

Camus had been anxious from the moment he had heard the elder's words. Right now, he couldn't be bothered about the human called Momon as this matter concerned the well-being of the entire tribe.

"Huhu... Camus, you are still just barely 220 years old. You have not seen enough of the world to understand just how vast and profound the world outside is. And also...

"You did not see the eyes of that elf boy when he thought that I was going to reject his master's proposal."

Even Camus could see that the elder slightly shuddered when he said those last words. The elder was a druid on the level that no one in the human world could compare to and even he was afraid for some reason.

"Listen well, Camus, and remember these words! Tomorrow you are to tell your men and especially that deputy of yours to treat that elf kid with the utmost respect and care. That child may look like a little lamb that just learned how to walk, but I can assure you that he is more frightening than you can imagine and I firmly believe he has the personal strength to back it up. As for that elf girl, something tells me that her magic power may not even lose out to my own. Although I am unable to sense even the slightest bit of earthly magic from her, it is precisely because I can't that I think that she is hiding her true strength."

Camus had been listening in disbelief to the elder's words but in the end had no choice but to believe them. Servants of a master that could massacre entire armies with a single spell would naturally not be ordinary either. Especially since the two of them seemed to possess some level of status with their title of 'Floor Guardian'. He decided to put his doubts aside and simply do as he was told regarding this matter. However, that still left plenty of other things to discuss.

"What about the demon beasts and their kin?"

Hearing this question, the elder's face lit up as a slight smirk broke his otherwise unmoving visage.

"As we suspected, the Crimson Half-Dragon that took over the mountain has begun to quarrel with the White Moon Wolf who previously ruled over our patch of the forest. It's as if something scared it away from the mountain and forced it to look for new grounds. Because of his new conquest, all the other beasts have become weary of everything, including us dark elves. I fear that a vicious struggle between those two monsters may burn our entire forest to cinders."

The power of the half-dragon was especially troublesome and dangerous. Although it had originally been just a hybrid of a giant rock-lizard and a mountain dragon, after its transformation it had obtained the ability to breathe demonic flames, which, if unleashed, would burn the entire forest down before dying out. Not even the elder could prevent that.

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