Virgil squished Patton's cheek and he gave the cutest and biggest smile he could manage on his face. Such a smile meant Virgil couldn't help but smile back. "I guess I'll ask Logan about it." He managed to whisper out just before he was called by the police officer to an interview room. And after he gave a witness statement, he was given the opportunity to be a prioritised foster carer of the bright eyed little boy he found on his doorstep.


And soon Virgil was sat opposite Logan for dinner, soft candles lit again, the evening was just like the last week. The only change was Virgil had cooked vegetarian pasta rather than beef stew. Virgil was watching his husband intently and was trying to figure out how to phrase this life change; his worrying thoughts were paused when Logan looked up from his pasta and smiled. "You look cute sweetheart. Slightly panicked – but cute." He giggled, making Virgil laugh slightly too and finally look away from his lover. Logan kept watching his husband with a loving look. "Do you need to talk about something?"

"I've been thinking..."

"Well, that's unusual. Should I be worried?" The husband interrupted quickly as he finished a mouthful, making Virgil roll his eyes and finally lean back to relax as he communicated what he wanted – or needed – to say.

"You know I told you about that kid I found on the doorstep?" Logan nodded, his smile falling slightly but only for a moment. The change of expression made Virgil take a deep breath before continuing. "I had to give a witness statement and they... Want us to be the foster carers."

The scoff that escaped Logan made the nervous man flinch. "Don't worry about that Starlight, they definitely have other options. They probably just realised we're in a two-bedroom house so they thought they could manipulate us to reach their demand." Logan stood and cleared his plate, collecting Virgil's too as he had stopped eating for a while since he was speaking. "I'm sure they'll still give us updates on the kid because of the 'sentimental value' of finding a toddler on our doorstep. Kids just cause that reaction in people somehow..."

As Logan marched away to the kitchen to wash the dishes Virgil followed. "If we have the room why don't we help? It's not Patton's fault he's in this situation."

The plates crashed and Logan took a deep breath. "Why are you only mentioning this after four years of marriage? What happened to our idea of being childless?" Logan almost growled as his hands grasped onto the sink. The couple had been married for four years and dating for three. During discussions of their future they agreed they'd rather focus on themselves and their careers rather than the picket fence lifestyle. This was new territory and Logan wasn't liking the thought of it.

But Virgil was a therapist so he was used to spotting emotions in people by a quick glance. And when Virgil watched his husband angrily spit out all the negatives of having a child in their care he could only spot one thing – the scared, overly worried man he met when he got his first patient after graduating. That was the first Logan he ever saw, the Logan that feared coming out to his family and disappointing them, wanted to avoid failure at every turn so was slacking at his dream job, and he was avidly against the idea of a soulmate until he found one in the therapist's chair.

"Logan." Virgil found his stern voice that made the man opposite him silence immediately. "Take deep breaths for me please." Logan did as he was told, the anger communicating through tears rather than words as he looked down. But any shame he was thinking was conquered when Virgil reached for his hands and held them, a small smile on his face as they met eyes. "As you already know, your feelings are valid. If you don't want to foster I'll call them up and refuse – he's the type of kid that's in high demand for his adorableness. So... if you want just us it will be just us." Virgil's kiss on Logan's forehead made him finally smile. "I love you."

"I love you too." He whispered, his voice slightly raspy but the men just connected foreheads and enjoyed the silence around them. That silence was disturbed by Logan himself. "How long does it take to become a foster carer?"

"If we foster Patton we can enter the fast track and get him here in a month after some paperwork and references." Virgil spoke clearly and slowly, watching Logan's eyes calculating and thinking. Was he actually going to consider it? Virgil's smile became wide at the thought, although he was trying to hide it. "And with the detail the social system knows now it's not permanent at all. As soon as a family member is found and approved Patton returns to them."

Logan's eyes were wondering and exploring his mind as he held a confused look. Virgil could only be silent and grasp his husband's hands – he tried to hide his hope but that was almost impossible. Deep inside Virgil knew his husband would be a great father if he just put his mind to it, he was already an amazing uncle even though he avoided thinking that way.

"Yes." Eventually Logan uttered that word out before giving more clarification. "If you don't mind, I wouldn't mind fostering this... Patton... for a while. I want to see you happy." One of Logan's hands left Virgil's grasp and instead landed on Virgil's cheek, stroking it as Logan smiled softly at his lover.

The hurried kiss that followed wasn't any worse than the ones they usually shared at this time of night, it was still as addicting and filled with love. This was a new step Logan feared, most definitely, but his husband's smile made it all worth it. This was what love was.

(COMPLETE) Plus One - A Sanders Sides Analogical FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon