Devilish Imposter! The Courageous Rebel!

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A/N - Happy late new years Everyone! It is now 2022 so it is going to be another year of Wattpad!

Soon it will be my account's Birthday, and I decided to give the readers of this book, which is the reason for my current position in the wattpad community as a writer as well as one of my first books, a question you will be able to gain from it!

What do you want me to do for my account's 1 year birthday? ---->

Keep in mind that I have a YouTube channel, and I am willing to play video games and maybe even do a live Q&A with a possible face reveal? It is up to you guys, so comment on the question and tell me what you want me to do! I will look over all of those and the request that has gotten the most people agreeing to will be what I will do!

Now then, onto the chapter!

Now then, onto the chapter!

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As the stardust crusaders are looking around Singapore, they are suddenly stopped by the loud whistle made by a police officer, who immediately approaches the group. The loud noise was enough to awaken a certain young kid, who until that moment rested his head on his new friend's shoulder as he slept peacefully.

Officers: "Hey, You!" He yelled, before pointing over to Polnareff. "You! I'm talking to you!"

Polnareff: "Huh?" She pointed at herself, not understanding the situation at hand.

Officer: "You! You threw this trash, didn't you? That's a fine of five hundred Singapore dollars!"

Polnareff: "What? Five hundred?"

Officer: "In SIngapore, the law says you will be fined for littering!"

Kakyoin: "Five hundred Singapore dollars..."

Joseph: "That's about 40,000 yen."

Avdol: "Trash?" She didn't understand what the officer was referring to.

Officer: "Got it?"

Polnareff: "Trash?" She asked as well, in the same situation as Avdol when it came to understanding what trash the officer was talking about. "What are you talking about?" She asked, looking at where she now saw the officer pointing, she found her own luggage. Avdol, when she realized the misunderstanding, couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. "I don't see anything here besides my own luggage. Would you be so kind as to tell me what trash you're referring to? Where is the trash, sir?" She told the officer, with a smug face yet a slightly menacing glare.

Officer: "That's your luggage?"

Polnareff: "That's right!"

Officer: "I-I'm terribly sorry." That caused almost everyone to start laughing. WIth Anne joining in as well. When she was seen by Polnareff and they made small eye contact, she stopped laughing and looked away. "Well, I'll be going, then..." He walked away, being shoo'd by the French women.

The Crusader of Rebirth (JJBA x Child!Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now