I got a question for you.

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So I just wrote two parts of the story, this is litrally a few minutes after I finished writing the last one.

Now that we got two chapter out of the way, I can see that each one of them is really long, so i was wondering what should I do.

I got an Aunt who told me to shorten the chapters and split them but I didn't know how you guys will react, so I'm asking you.

What do you think is better?

1. I'll keep on writing the same way I did up until now, but it'll take longer.

2. I'll spilt chapters into parts, whivh means I'll update more often, but the chapter in itself won't be a single part.

Keep in mind that there is no wrong answer and that I want to know what you prefere so I could improve my writing and make this story better for all of you.

in additon, please check out my other stries. you can find them in my profile. As of me writing this, I already have an idea for another story, but I still got 3 more not including this one, so I'll see about publishing that one for now.

That's all fr now.

See ya around!


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