Who Will Be Reality's Judge?

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We can see a Japanese styled house at the moment. The birds nearby are singing, and the only sounds that are being made are the sounds of nature. Right now, Jotara is about to go to school, and the house we are seeing is the house of the Kuju's. As Jotara gets out of her home, we can hear Holly calling to her daughter.

Holly: "Jotara! Wait!" she calls out as she runs towards Jotara. "You forgot something! Goodness... Here, a goodbye kiss." Then she kisses Jotara.

Jotara: "Tch, whatever..." That was all she said before carefully removing her mother from her. "I can't stay for long or I'll be late. And I'm certain that he is already getting bullied." making Holly a bit sad but still, she understands.

Holly: "Okay! Have a good day!" To that, Jotara hummed in response.

Jotara: "Good grief... "

(Imagine it's Jotara)

*Small timeskip*

We can now see Jotara walking towards her school. All of the boys in the area are happy to see her back. They all gather towards her and look up at her, since she is still taller than most boys. It is safe to say that they all have a thing for her.

RB(Random boy. I won't number them because there are too many. If they are separated then they are different).

RB: "Hey, it's Jojo." He announced.

RB: "What? Jojo?"

RB: "Damn your right! It's Jojo!"

RB's (two different boys [why am i even doing this part DX]): "Jojo!"

All of the boys: "Good morning, Jojo." they say one after the other, all gathered around Jotara.

RB: "Jojo, Why were you absent from school? and what were you doing in those four days?" He asked while putting a hand on her shoulder.

All Jotara did was to look at him with an annoyed look and he blushed.

RB: "Oi!" He screamed, pushing the other guy from Jotara. "Why are you being all friendly with Jojo like that, huh? You are being too chummy! Stay away from her!" All Jotara did was keep on walking.

RB: "What the hell, ugly?"

RB: "Shut it, small dick"

As they then turn away from one another, they keep calling one another 'ugly' or 'small dick'. They then start walking again while still calling those same names to one another. After a small bit they stop and yell those names to each other's face. All that did was annoy Jotara as she stopped walking.

Jotara: "Shut up! You're damn annoying!"

However, all that did was make the boys there beam with pleasure, all thinking she said that to them. After that, Jotara just keeps on walking.

RB: "Jojo, wait a moment!"

RB: "Wait for us!"

RB: "Jojo!"

All of that is being seen by an unknown red haired girl standing next to a drawing she made. Upon closer look, we can see it's a drawing of Jotara herself. As Jotara walks down the stairs, the unknown girl draws a red line on the painting's leg, somehow cutting Jotara's leg as well!

Jotara: "What?!"

And with that, Jotara falls of the stairs, making the boys all scream in terror as Jotara falls down. All but one boy who just got there. Said boy was quiet and had no emotion showing. He was young looking and was Extremely short.

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