Memories Resurface as the Waves Hit as Strong

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A/N - sorry for the long wait. I didn't have the time nor the means to write until two weeks ago and I worked on other stories of mine.

Keep in mind, Blue is Sus.

Now onto the story!

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[The loathsome curse of Dia... Even the Speedwagon Foundation's doctors, who have the latest medical technologies, stand powerless before Dia's curse.]

[In order to save Holly, Jotara, (Y/N) and crew head towards faraway Egypt. In order to avoid danger, they travel by sea rather than air, heading first to Singapore.]

Jotara POV:

Joseph: "To get from hong Kong to Singapore,we'll be on water for three full days." Gramps said as the water crashed against our boat. "Well, let's relax and keep our spirits up. But seriously, guys... Can't you do something about those school uniforms? You're going to continue our journey wearing those? Isn't it ridiculously hot?" He asked, as me, Kakyoin and a sleeping (Y/N) all had our school uniforms on.

Kakyoin: "Well, we are students... And students should behave as students. BUt I suppose that sounds like a stretch..."

Jotara: "Hmph."

Joseph: "Hmph! Japanese students are such stiffs." He said loudly, not caring about the sleeping kid that laid on me, cutely might I add.

Avdol: "I see... so this is Bushido. Once you clear your mind, even fire seems cool."

Polnareff: "But you know, guys won't fall for stiffs like you."

???: "Let go! Let go of me! You big lug!" A kid just showed up being held by one of the sailors. "Damn it, let me go! Let me go!"

Sailor: "Shut up! What a little brat."

Joseph: "Hey, what's going on? I thought we agreed there'd be no passengers on our boat." Gramps asked while the kid kept trying to free themselves.

Sailor: "I'm sorry. It's a stowaway. This brat was hiding in storage down below." (sus).

Joseph: "A Stowaway?"

Jotara: "What's with that face gramps? never heard of a stowaway?"

Kid: "Come at me if you're gonna! I'll kick your tits in!" HE said as Avdol and Polnareff neared them.

Sailor: "I'll turn you into the naval police." That seemed to have calmed the kid down from their aggressive behavior.

Kid: "What? The police? P-Please. Let me go! I just want to see my dadin Singapore." He now begged. "I'll do anything! You can work me as hard as you want!" The sailor then reached towards the cheek of the kid, pulling on it.

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