He passed her a look as he saw the wet dress, his light red eyes looking at her with a silent question, but Kiara chose to ignore it.

"What happened here?" Kiara asked again, raising one eyebrow at the half-blooded vampire.

"It is nothing that should concern you, My Lady. Please, let us—"

"What concerns me and what concerns me not— let me be the one who decides that, soldier." Lady Kiara raised an eyebrow. She walked towards him, forcing him to take few steps back.

"Disturbing the continuity of your work is hardly what I wish to do. However, since my presence has already graced this room—" she smiled at her own choice of words,"— does it not sounds better to tell me already what happened. You see, I happen to be a very curious one."

"We will—" The armsman stopped mid sentence to clear his throat to force out the squeakiness off his voice. Lady Kiara tilted her head and backed down when she realized their proximity was making him intimidated and uncomfortable.

"We will tell you, my Lady," he stated as he fiddled with his sword,"Once we know what has happened."

"I can be of assistance." Kiara smiled. "I have been told I am an excellent investigator".

"You are a guest—"

"I insist," she emphasized and turned around to stalk further into the room without waiting for him to answer.

Her gaze shifted to swipe across the room as faint smell of blood permeated in the atmosphere.

"My Lady, please—" she heard protests from behind when she glanced towards the small passage at which the two guards were staring. Only to be immediately stuck in the spot.

A blue and golden badge with the emblem of an eagle on it.

The light emitted from the lamp reflected against the splashes of blood, making them appear lighter then they were. It was lying at the feet of the guards from earlier, near the passage.

The badge of Rotheward.

They were in Sorraine, there was no one here who would wear these badges, unless it was her guards.

She had an unpleasant feeling about this.

"Where are my guards? I did not see them when I came out of my room." Kiara asked, her voice low yet clear while her eyes did not stray away from the badge.

Before the armsman could say anything, Kiara started walking towards the passage. The guards standing near the door were quick to knock it down and slam the doorway shut.

Dust blew up. Lady Kiara sat down on her toes and picked up the bloody batch. She swiped it with her thumb. Thick,wet blood collected at the sides of her fingers.

She took in a shuddering breath.

"Open the door," she ordered after a minute of observing the badge.


Kiara huffed and pushed the guard aside. Taking a hold of the knob, she pulled it up.

She froze.

The guard beside her took a long sigh.

Hastily pushing it down, she retrieved her hand back. Her fingers burned. Her other hand held her wrist. Kiara backed away.

Across that door, laid the bodies of her knights.

All chalky and white.


Blood was painted all across the staircase.

On the wall.

On the floor.

But the dead bodies looked deprived of it.

Twisting her fingers, she tightened her grip on her wrist. Her feet, heavy with despair and dread, moved forward. She stepped on the the first step of the stair, her white slippers squelching the pool of blood.

On the second step placed was the head of her knight— separate from the rest of his body. 

His name was Wilson. A middle aged man with an adolescent son, who was aspiring to be a physician. His wife owned a flower shop back in their hometown.

Overstepping the severed head, Lady Kiara stepped on the fourth step, her hands holding the railing for support. The blood made the stairs slippery. She flinched when her feet accidentally touched the hand of another fallen comrade. Bending down, she turned his head around.

Ralph. Young Ralph. Had just crossed twenty. The only grandson of an ill grandfather. His lower jaw was missing.

Kiara shut her eyes. The stench of blood was stronger.

Descending the stairs, she reached the heap of dead mutilated dead bodies. Some of them were Sorrainean guards. She counted her own.


Eight of her men were dead.

They were thirteen in total.

"My Lady—" a trembling voice said from above, "We are unable to locate your guards."

Her jaw ticked brutally.

"Inform your master— Lady Kiara is waiting for him in his office. Right away."

A/N: I forgot to update this chapter yesterday lol. And you have a really angry Lady Kiara on your way :) What do you think she is going to do next?

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