23: Talk about awkward

Start from the beginning

But then, wouldn't it be weird if I just said: ‘She told me I'm her best assignment partner. So, yeah, that's all I need to tell you.’

But then…

Shut up, brain!

It seemed my brain really did get my message this time, because it not only stopped my mental conflict, but it also rendered my thoughts inactive when I took in the sight in front of me.

Oh my god!

Standing in her room, with the door ajar, was none other than Brooke dressed in nothing but her…

I immediately pulled my widened eyes away, trying to ignore the hotness that was creeping up my face.

Should I maybe just back away?

No, if she caught me leaving, then things would quickly turn awkward.

Then maybe I should just fake cough to get her attention? And maybe give her time to…you know, throw something else on.

No, she'd probably get startled at first, and then things would still turn awkward.

Then, should I just walk in and try to act normal about it so things wouldn't get awkward?

No, she'd just think I'm a perv.

Were there no good solutions a boy could turn to? Seriously, brain, give me something – anything!


Oh no!

“Why are you staring at that vase like it's a free ticket to Paris?” She quipped.

Or maybe all I had to do was just stare at a vase until she noticed my presence.

Thanks for nothing, brain!

Gosh, I really needed to stop having conversations with my brain. I made a mental note to do that later. But for now, I had other things to deal with.

And by that, I meant this brunette standing in front of me in nothing but a black lacy bra and matching black panties.

But wait, when I said ‘deal with’ like that, it made it seem like I wanted to do the ‘you know what’ with her. Which was totally not what I wanted to do. And it's not because she's not attractive, because trust me, she was. Like a whole lot. Like a whole damn lot. Like…

Ok, I think you get the idea.

Anyway, the point is, Brooke was just a friend. I might not be the most experienced in this friendship department, but I was pretty sure you didn't go around looking at your friends in their underwear — which they totally pulled off by the way, and…


That finally broke off my thoughts which seemed to be running at 180 miles per second.

I looked at Brooke to find her already staring at me, a hint of amusement in her hazel eyes. 

“What's up with you? You totally zoned out.”

“Oh, I uh…I thought you might need some privacy. Sorry for just barging in on you.” I finished with a small titter.

Way to make things awkward, Hawk!

But if Brooke minded, she didn't show it. She simply chuckled, grabbing a top from her bed. “It's fine. Besides, I was the one who forgot to close the door.”

Of all the reactions I’d imagined she'd have, this was by far the most unexpected. She didn't seem freaked out, embarrassed, angry, nervous, awkward or anything like that. In fact, she seemed pretty chill about what happened.

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