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On that black Christmas, many are lonesomeFor they aren't together with their loved onesAs the super typhoon affects the transportation In addition to several homes' devastation

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On that black Christmas, many are lonesome
For they aren't together with their loved ones
As the super typhoon affects the transportation
In addition to several homes' devastation.

On that black Christmas, you can smell the flaming candles
And not the aroma of festive foods on the table
Due to the electricity supply which has been hampered
As it causes a lot of businesses to be crippled.

On that black Christmas, you can hear the deafening silence
The absence of children who carol Christmas hymns
No joyous songs being played neither people singing
Contrary to the loudest scream and wail of numerous fire victims.

On that black Christmas, Christmas trees remained unlighted
Company parties and other gatherings are also cancelled
No phone calls, chats and text messaging
Some malls are closed, only few people are thronging.

Despite of wide darkness and humidity
You can feel peacefulness and see unity
You can hear kids' laughter after opening their presents
You can smell an ounce of delicious food being partaken.

With heavy hearts, families still go to church on Christmas
Offering prayers and giving thanks to the birth of Jesus
With tired mind and body, people keep on striving
Helping their neighbors who suffered from starving.

Like an evening that awaits the dawn to come
Hope is stirred by the afflicted ones
Even if blackness invades their surrounding
Yet in their innermost, a huge light is glowing.


"You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven."
- Matthew 5:14-16 (ESV)

Image source: wallpapercave.com

Featured song: We Are
By: Kari Jobe

Penned by: J. Z. ROMEO

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