Part 4- The meet up

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So I decided that tomorrow after I visited Quackity that I will meet up with them and hope that they don't freak out.

Tommy pov

In the morning I woke and look to my side but Daisy wasn't there, I nearly freaked out but luckily she was just on the ground playing with two sticks I think she found in a chest.
I decided that I needed to start getting ready to go see Quackity and the sbi after that, so I started to get ready.
I put on my classics red and white shirt and some jeans, I also did my hair a little bit but not much. Once I was done doing that, I needed to get Daisy ready as well, so I gave her a blue and white stripe shirt and some shorts and told her to get changed. Once she finished getting changed she ask me to do her hair and I couldn't say no to that so I got a hairbrush  and started to brush her hair.
After a little bit I was done so we both got our shoes on and left the house. I held her hand as we walk to Las Navadas, and I realized that a lot of people were looking at us but I didn't care right now and kept walking.

//Time skip- At las navadas//

Still Tommy pov

After a long walk we finally got there and I instantly saw Quackity and wave to him, he saw us and came over to greet us.
"Hello Tommy, and Daisy." He said
"Hey Big Q." I said back
Daisy just wave back at him.
Quackity then pull something out of his pocket and slowly revealed a small plastic duck and handed it to Daisy and her face lit up, and looked up at Quackity and jump in his arm and gave him a big hug.
"THANK YOU SO MUCH" Daisy yelled
I and Quality were shocked to say the least. But after a while she got off of Big Q and started to play with the plastic duck.
'Well that was weird.' I thought

3rd person pov

After that Tommy and Big Q just started to talk.
"So who knows about Daisy?" Quality ask
Tommy thought for a moment before he spoke,
"Tubbo, Ranboo, myself, you and that slime guy, know."
Quackity seem to be relieved by this and this made Tommy think 'Why dose he care? ' but he push that thought aside and they kept talking for a bit until Slime came in.
"Quackity from Las Navadas, someone here to see you." Slime said to Quackity
"Well tell then I'm busy, and to leave." Quackity said slightly angry, slime just gave a small nod and left.
But he came back a few minutes later and said "Quackity from Las Navadas, they will not leave until they see you." Slime said
Quackity just stood up and left with slime to see what was going on, Tommy decided that he would go to and told Daisy to stay and wait for him to come back, she just noded and Tommy left.

As Tommt caught up to Quackity he almost froze as he saw who was here

Quackity started to yell at him and told him to leave and come back another time, but once he saw Tommy he yelled at him
"TOMMY WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE" Tommy just stood there with his head down he didn't want to look at Wilbur. Wilbur just shook his head and said "I don't have time for this. Tommy we are going to Phil house, come on."
As Tommy was about to leave  completely forgetting about Daisy until she came running towards him screaming
When Tommy saw her run up to him and hug his legs, he just stared at her not knowing what to do about this.
"Tommy, who is this child? And how do they know you?" Wilbur ask looking down at Daisy. Tommy took a deep breath in and look Wilbur straight in the eyes and said "This, is my...daughter... Daisy."
This shocked Quackity because he knew that Tommy knows that Daisy is his child, but he let it slide, for now anyways.
Wilbur looked at Tommy in disbelief but didn't know what to do so he just said
"We are going to Phil place now, and you will explain everything to me and phil."

741 words :>
I hope you like it and like always sorry if there is any spelling mistakes

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