Part 1-who are you

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As Tommy was walking back home after visiting Snowchester, he suddenly heard a sound coming from a near by tree so he walked over there to see what was making that sound and then he finds, a small child looking around the age of 4 to 5 years old. Tommy was so confused but then he realized that he was in the snow. He look at the child again and realized how the child was shaking, without a second thought he pick up the child and ran back home with it.
Once he was back home he grabbed all the blankets he could and brought it over to the child. After awhile he ended up asleep next to this child.

//Time skip- The next morning//
Tommy pov

I woke up to something kicking me so I look over and saw this child!?
"AAAAAHHH" I screamed and this woke up the child as well. That is when I remember what happened yesterday, I look over again and realized that the child was crying. I freak out, I need this child to be quite no one can find out about this.
After awhile the child calm down and stopped crying. I didn't know what to do I can't raise a child, that is when I realized something I look at the child and realized it had duck wings and a tail. There was only one person I knew that had this and that was Quackity, so I decided that tomorrow I will visit Quackity and see if he knows any thing about this child.
As I look at it some more I realized that it needs a name because I can't keep calling it the child so the first thing I needed to do now was give it a name.
"So do you have a name?" I asked not expecting a answer but then.
"My name is Daisy." Daisy said.
Well that was something.
"Well Daisy where are you from? Do you know where your mum and dad is?" I ask
"No and no." Daisy said
Well that nice. As I thought more I decided that I might go and visit Tubbo and Ranboo again and see if they know anything since I found Daisy near Snowchester.

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Tommy look back at Daisy and said "So since you don't know where you are from, you will be living with me till we found out where you are from, ok?"
"Ok." Daisy said quietly
"First thing my name is Tommy." Tommy said "And I am going to take you to Snowchester for the night and then tomorrow we will visit someone named Quackity, ok"
"Yep." Daisy said
"Well ok then lets go." Tommy said with a big smile on his face, this also made Daisy smile a little bit as well which made Tommy happy.

//Time skip- When they get to Snowchester//

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As they made it into Snowchester Tommy instantly saw Tubbo and yelled out to him. Once Tubbo saw him, he ran as fast as he could to get over to him.
"Hi Tommy." Tubbo said
"Hi Tubbo." Tommy said slightly nervous
That is when Tubbo spotted Daisy.
"WHY DO YOU HAVE A CHILD!?" Tubbo yelled
This frightened poor Daisy and Tommy noticed immediately and went to see if Daisy was ok. Tubbo felt bad and decided to invite them into his house so they can get warm up. Once they got inside Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo all sat down to talk about this.

First why do you have a child?
Well I found them on my way back home yesterday.
Ok, so what are you going to do?
Well Daisy has duck wings and a tail so I am just going to ask Quackity if he knows anything
That is the child name.
But what if Quackity doesn't know anything what will you do then.
Well I guess I will keep it them
Why not you and Ranboo have a child so why can't I have one
Because nothing, plus I can handle this
But what if you can't
Well then I will just ask for help, ok
Ok then

After that Daisy ran up to Ranboo and just looked at him. Ranboo didn't know what to do so he just gave Daisy a head pat but then he froze. Tubbo and Tommy look at Ranboo confused but then he said "I-I think Daisy has horns."
They all froze this couldn't be possible...right?

Yay first part done, hope you like it.
Also sorry for any spelling mistakes

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