Part 3- You know each other?

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"I MISSED YOU SO MUCH SLIME!" Daisy screamed
And this left everyone shocked
"You know each other!?" Quackity and Tommy ask shocked
"Yep" Slime said
Everyone was shocked especially Quackity because he was the only one to know about Daisy, well so he thought.
"SLIME, SLIME LOOK!!" Daisy yelled and pulled out a small baby slime.
"Slime you better tell me how you know her." Quackity said
"Ok ok." Slime said


Slime pov

Well it was about 1 year ago, and I was just walking around in a cave and then I heard crying.
"Hello?" I said
At first no one answer so I just followed the sound until I saw a small girl.
"Hi" I said again
And then she noticed me but became very scared.
"AAAAAAAH PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!!!" The girl screamed
"Nononono I won't hurt you." I said trying to care her down and it work.
"Ok, well I am Daisy, what's your name?" Daisy ask
"What is a name?" I ask
"Ummm, well it is, what people call you." Daisy said
"Oh, well I don't have a name I guess." I said
"Hmm well you look like a slime sooo... I am going to call you slime, ok." Daisy said
"Ok then, my name is slime." I said
After that we talk a lot about our lives and what we like to do.
As we were talking I saw a small slime in the distance so I got up and grab it.
"What's that?" Daisy ask
"Oh, it is a slime you want it." I ask
"Yes please." She said with a smile on her face. So I gave it to her. She seem very happy with it.
After that we went to bed but when I woke up in the morning she was gone, but I didn't mind.

[End of flashback?]

3rd pov

Everyone was silent
Tommy didn't even know she had a slime. And Quackity was just surprised.
After a little bit though Daisy let out a small yawn so Tommy decided to take her back to his house.
"I'm going to take her home if that is ok." Tommy ask
"Yeah that's fine, just come back tomorrow ok." Quackity said
"Yep." Tommy said
Tommy then pick her up and started to head home.

//Time skip- Back at Tommy house//

Tommy pov

Once I was back home, Daisy had already gone to sleep so I just put her in back and then went to go get some food to eat.
I was just standing there eating when I realized that I had to tell the sbi about this. So I decided that tomorrow after I visited Quackity that I will meet up with them and hope that they don't freak out.

And another one done also sorry that it is a bit short :)

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