Part 2- What?

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Tw: mention of abuse and alcohol

Pov 3
Tubbo and Tommy look at Ranboo confused but then he said "I-I think Daisy has horns."
They all froze this couldn't be possible...right?

"W-what do you mean she has horns?" Tubbo said
"I-I-I mean s-she has horns like yours but smaller." Ranboo said
None of them could believe this, I mean from their perspective there should only be two people that were half gaot and that was Tubbo and Schlatt.
"How old are you Daisy?" Tubbo ask
"I am 4 years old." Daisy said with a smile on her face.

Tubbo pov

4... 4 years old. 4 years ago Quackity and Schlatt were still together but Quackity is a boy...right?
"Daisy do you know what you are?" I ask
"Ummmm I think I am part duck and goat, and human of course." Daisy said

3 pov

Just then Tubbo passed out and Tommy and Ranboo freak out. Ranboo went to help Tubbo while Tommy just stood there. He didn't know what to do.
" I am going to go and visit Quackity." Tommy said
"Ok then, well I am going to have to stay with Tubbo to make sure he is ok." Ranboo said
Tommy just nods and got Daisy and left to go and find Quackity.

//Time skip- At las navadas//

3 pov

As Tommy was looking around he finally find Quackity and runs up to him with Daisy in his arm. Once Tommy made it up to Quackity he realized that Quackity looked terrified.
"Hey...Big Q." Tommy said nervously
"How do you have that." Quackity said with fear in his voice.
"Well you see I found this child and I thought, well since it is part duck maybe you would know who it belongs to?" Tommy ask.

Quackity pov

What am I going to do, what am I going to. If Schlatt finds out that I am pregnant, he will kill me and my baby for sure. I can't let this happen, not after he ripped off my wings.
After he did that he has been coming home drunk everyday, and beating me non-stop for no reason at all, I can't take this anymore I have to leave.

//few months later in the flashback//

After a few months it was hard to hide it so I left, and gave birth to our child which I decided to name Daisy. I knew she was part duck from her wings and tail. After I gave birth to her I gave her a collar with her name on it, so the people who took care of her at least know her name. And if she ever came back to me I would know.

<End of flashback>

Still Quackity pov

I can't believe this I thought she had died ages ago but she is!?

3 pov

Quackity just stared at Tommy. After what felt like ages Tommy notice Quackity wasn't breathing right. That is when he relieved that Quackity was having a panic attack. He instantly put down Daisy to help Quackity.
After awhile Fundy, Purpled and Foolish came to help, and then they all ended up in Quackitys' house.
"What happened Quackity?" Tommy ask
Quackity just stayed quite.
"Well I need to talk to you." Tommy said
When Tommy said that Fundy, Purpled and Foolish left the room leaving Quackity, Tommy and Daisy


So first thing, why did you look so terrified.
Umm well, you see that is my child
Well I could have guessed that.
Who is the mother?
That's the thing I am the mother.
What... How, you are a boy right?
Well I am actually trans
Oh...Well cool, but why did you hide that?
I just thought you wouldn't expect me
Don't think that everyone will expect you.
Thanks you
No problem

After that they both look at Daisy, she just looked so confused, and Quackity and Tommy giggle a little at that.

//Time skip- Night time//

For the rest of the day, everyone just sat around and talk, while Daisy was playing. Once it became night Quackity remember something.
"Oh! I almost forgot, you guys haven't meet slime have you." Quackity said to Tommy.
Tommy just nods his head in response, just then Quackity ran out of the room to get someone and when he came back with this person Tommy decided to say hello.
"Hello, I'm Tommy nice to meet you." Tommy said
"Hi! I'm human, with all 300 bones." They said with a big smile on their face.
"This is slime." Quackity said
When he said the Daisy head shot up and her eyes lit up. She got up as quick as she could and ran to slime and gave him a big hug.
"I MISSED YOU SO MUCH SLIME!" Daisy screamed
And this left everyone shocked

Boom part 3 done, hope you like it
And sorry for any spelling mistakes

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