1. Selwyn

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A/n: I don't normally write y/n fics, nor do I read them, but I put great effort into not making this cringe and for Vanesa to not be your stereotypical OC MC. This first chapter isn't the best, but I started writing this over a year ago from when this a/n is being written, and I can promise it gets better lol. Anyways, I promise I don't do a/n's a lot so this will probably be the last you hear from me -enjoy the story!!

Word count: 1058


Dark things always seemed to find Vanesa. Seeking her out and luring her in. Sometimes this was figurative, with bad luck enough to kill a leprechaun, swirling around her like a black smog of ash and blood. Other times it was literal, with the current moment being a prime example.

The gloom ravaged at the dim moon, leaving the streets dark and unforgiving; the wind screeching through windows and down echoing alleyways. The night remained empty, leaving her dismally wandering the streets alone. Her footsteps did nothing to disturb the silence, muddied boots barely making sound on damp, crooked pavement.

Looking up, she caught sight of roofed steps fronting a large brown door. Thinking it better than aimlessly wondering around unfamiliar streets, she crossed the road, dodging puddles as she went. Sitting beneath it, hugging her knees tightly, she watched the night get colder as the alert of consciousness dulled. Dashes of red and blue swirled behind her closed eyes, but these dreams would not be remembered. When morning came, she woke to find that the streets atmosphere had drastically changed.

There must have been hundreds of people bustling through the high street, all much to occupied by their own lives to give any notice to her huddled in the nook of a doorway. However, less than a minute passed of her gawping at the chaos, before the door to her left was thrown open. Out of it emerged a large lady with thin, dark hair wound into a tight bun at her nape. She had a set of greying eyes that pooled with something wretched. The woman too didn't notice the girl, until stumbling over her knee while stepping out of the door. The woman looked down, a stern look crossing her face as she analysed her appearance. She took turns glaring at her boots and clothes. All were dirty but the pristine craftsmanship was evident. "What's your name, girl?"

She froze for a second, before, forcing enough righteousness into her tone to raise an army, "Venesa. Vanesa Selwyn."

"Selwyn..? Odd name.." Vanesa quite thought that the woman's deep voice was what a horse would sound like. If horses could indeed speak, of course. The woman grabbed her arm and hoisted her up, dragging her through the ajar door. "Found this orphan on the doorstep" she hollered over to a smaller, younger woman behind the desk. Yes. Definitely a horse.

"I'm not an orphan!" She glared up at those beady eyes, snatching her arm back.

"Probably the mistake of a tramp" she sounded venomous, yet didn't even bother to spare her a glance before dragging her over to another door "I'll put it with the others.." She grasped the handle and swung it open, shoving her forwards and then locking it behind them.

Vanesa stopped abruptly at the sheer stench of the place, but was forced forward just as quickly. The thin, damp looking hallway looked a revolting mixture of green, brown and grey. There were doors either side of them every few paces, assumingly leading to very small rooms. The woman stopped at one of them and opened it, revealing a box-sized room with two twin beds cramped next to each other, a tall, rickety looking wardrobe to her right, and a small window accented with thick rusted bars right across from her.

"Your room" The woman then grabbed her shoulder, and pulled her out; shutting the door and continuing down the hallway. "Rules: Don't run, don't skip, dont shout, don't lie and don't cry. No snarky comments, comebacks backchats or sarcasm. As soon as lights are out, don't talk or get out of your beds."

"But you can't just-"

"You will not speak unless you are spoken to, whether that's by me, a nurse, the chef or a guest of any kind. You will eat all your food at both breakfast and dinner whether you like it or not. If you break any of these rules you will be punished accordingly" the corners of her mouth curled slightly, and Vanesa swallowed down her complaints.

They finally got to the end of the hallway, where stood the last door. Vanesa was shoved inside and being caught off-guard, tripped, falling onto the splintered wooden floor. The door promptly slammed shut behind her and she got up, pounding on it.

"That's not going to work" she jumped in surprise and turned around, only to see a room full of children, all varied in age. Some could have been only a few months, and others looked well into their teens. No matter size, they walked around, hastily cleaning. She glanced at an older girl, an infant that couldn't have been older than two clinging to her hip. The child's tan complexion contrasted with the girls pale face and arms, making her doubt that the baby was hers. Running her eyes through the rest of the teens, she noticed that this seemed to be a running trend. A boy with mousy-looking hair held a newborn, and another girl sat with two toddlers.

A few steps from the others, whom most of, hadn't yet noticed her, stood a pale boy with sleek black hair. He was slightly taller than her, but she could tell he was around her age. "why are they all here?" She asked him, brows furrowed.

"Same as you. We're Orphans" He said, his voice smooth and calm; contrasting his harsh words.

She scoffed, "I am not an orphan"

"Then why are you here?" His tone was cruel as he looked at her expectantly.

"Because- because.." Confusion flashed over her features.


Vanesa stared at the floor "What's your name?" She said suddenly, feeling strangely compelled to ask. He eyed her for a moment, his head tilting in an amused fashion.

"Tom Riddle"

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