Chapter 14: I'm Rehabbing from Flame girl?!

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My wound was restored. What is she planning?

"But why?" I said. It's confusing to help out an enemy, she does know that right?

"Let's just say a lesson, to not intervened on someone's fight. Didn't your mother teach you some manners?" She asked. "Anyways, now that's out of the picture, looks like you and Shido are on deck now. Let's have some fun again!"

She was starting to get creepy but we were likely save to when Kotori's wounds was beginning to emit flames. She was healing.

All of us noticed it in surprise except me knowing too well that it was one of her default ability. Now I remember yeah, regeneration was her ability. Why do I even worry too much?

"You know, mono logging always gets the bad guys in trouble. Ha if you're planning run away from your mommy now's the time to do so." Kotori then gets up and gripped on <Camael>.

"Ha, in your wildest dreams! Flame girl!" Kurumi then prepares another <Zafkiel> Alpeh, but this one was a different approach.

She quickly shot multiple clones with the ability on. Kotori gave me the eyes of "Move the idiot outta there." I nod my head and grabbed Shido.

"What the?! Tohka!"

"Zip it! I'm getting you to safety."

"<ZAFKIEL> ALEPH!" Kurumi shouts and fired her shot on herself.

As I moved Shido, many of the clones still up had now targeted on me. They were fast as hell.

"WAIT! WHY ME EXACTLY?!!" As they grouped on me I was on hold.

These clones are annoying as fuck. I don't why Kurumi fans would want this, this is just insane.

"TOHKA! SHIELD UP NOW!" Kotori ordered me.

I followed her instruction and had Spirit Barrier on. Which was a small spiritual bubble that protects me.

Kotori did a jump over head attack with <Camael>.


It landed a very powerful blow knocking back the other clones and disappearing with them making in contact on Kurumi in the process. Kotori's tiny flames has even touched Kurumi, this enraged her as she was starting to get damaged.

"DAMN YOU!" She says, "<ZAFKIEL> DALET!"

She rewinds the time and had herself healed. Kotori steadies herself following up with me behind her I had my arm shield raised. My uniform was beginning to burn as some of it are damaged along with my cape since I had my shield form on.

"Ah come on! Don't give up on me already, You can't quit against your opponent just because their warming up! It's bad form!"

"And a rage quitter!" I followed it but it made Kurumi a lot pisser than before.

"I swear you'll be sorry, that you ever decided to mess with me <ZAFKIEL>!" She shouts at the top of her lungs with rage.

"Yeah show me what you g-" Kotori then stopped for a moment, oh god she's about to go berserk!

Kotori then kneels down and had her palm to her face as support, it looked like she was beginning to throw up. "What's happening to me?"

"Kotori!" Shido and I said. I don't know what to do on this situation.

"HAHAHAHA! It looks like your devil's luck has run out!" Kurumi mocks Kotori.

Shido gets up and slowly approaches Kotori with concern.

Wait, did I become Tohka Yatogami from DATE A LIVE?!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin