part 10

127 4 0


She shook him


He sat up

Y-"your phone is ringing like crazy"

Mike-"turn it off"

Y-"its duce"

He whined and grabbed the phone

Mike-"what it's 4 in the morning"

Duce-"so...your children kinda sorta..burned down a bakery"


Mika-"the poor cookie is burnt"

Lux-"he was a good cookie"

Mike-"you frr"


Mike-"the kids burned down a bakery"

Y-"oh shit"

She got out of bed

Duce-"so do I keep them or what"

June-*gasp pretty

Lux-"ikr and it changes colors

June-"do black"

Lux-"I can make back fire"

Duce-"stop playing with it"

Lux-"but why it's cool u think I can levitate"

Mika-*gasp we should levitate

Duce-"dont levitate"

June-*scream I'm flying

Duce-"put her down"

Lux-"no way we always wanted to fly"

Mika-"da dun dun duuunnn"

They laughed

Lux-"oh no why aren't we flying anymore"

Duce-"me duh"

Lux-"u have them too'

Duce-"yes stop playing before u burn something else"

Mika-"smores anyone"

The girls gasped

Duce-"he made a whole fucking- lord help me"

Y-"were on our way"

Duce-"plz hurry"

Lux-"your telling me u don't want a smore"

Duce-"no I don't"

Lux-"I smell lies...more like see... woah"

Duce-"ok u corner now'




He hung up

Mike-"we have very special children"


She said zipping up her suit

Mike-"I like dis"

Y-"dont touch me I'm not in the mood"

She walked away

Mike-"u always in the mood for me"

He followed her

Y-"no I'm not I got woken up at 4 in the damn morning"

Mike-"how u think I felt when the kids were born"

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