miracle misson

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Y-"no u have to let me see him-"

Doctor-"ma'am he's in surgery this is a very rare issue and they cannot be distracted during the procedure"


She pushed him duce grabbed her

Duce-"listen yn"

Y-"no no no no just no if your now mike I don't want to hear a single sound"

She pushed them away from her he grabbed her

Duce-"yn listen-"

Doc-"family of Micheal Ch-"

Y-"yes yes yes I need to see my baby"

Doc-"I'm sorry..he didn't make it"

Her eye twitched


Her hands got hot

Doc-"the procedure took too long he lost a lot of blood"

Y-"oh u can-"

Duce covered her mouth

Duce-"what room"

Doc-"we can't-"

Duce-"look if u want to keep your job and a nice body I advise u give me to room number"


Yn started crying

Y-"my birthday"

Duce-"I know come on"

They walked to the room yn walked in and saw almost the whole room filled with doctors


She pushed them away from Mike

Y-*sigh don't cry don't cry be strong

Duce-"plz get out this is a very dangerous area now"

They walked out whispering to each other


Smoke came from her mouth here eyes turned red

Yn pov

Y-"Mikey baby"



She walked to him and lifted his head up

Y-"open your eyes and look at me"

Mike-"I cant"

Y-"do it I need u back"

Mike-"baby u can't bring me back I won't even look like myself my bones are messed up I probably have bullets all in my lungs and my heart-"

Y-"hush think positive I'm here and I can try trying is what counts right"


Y-"grab my hand and look me in my eyes but before u do I already know your coming back and I love u when u come back I want u to smile big for me ok"

Mike-*sniff ok

Y-"look at me"

He opened his eyes and looked at her

Nb pov

His body started to form

Yn blinked a few times and looked at Mike's body

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