cherry and duce 2

392 5 3

Recap a chino

??-"do u know these people"

She turned around Mike grabbed yn
End of cappuccino

Mike-"what u want"

-"I told u I want the girl"

Mike-"and I told u she's mine"

-"u can't keep all that to yo self"

Mike-"sure can"

-"shes to sexy to be yours"

She grabbed Mike's arm

Mike-"to bad"

-"give me the girl"

Mike-"one she's not a girl she's a woman two no"

Mike felt yn tightening her grip on him

Mike-"baby it's ok"

Y-"I'm scared"

She whispered to him

Duce-"just get out of here"

-"ugh u people make me do everything myself"

He marched to Mike grabbed yns arm

Y-*gasp Mike

Duce pulled him off yn and dangled him off the building

Duce-"I slip one finger off u and your gone"

-"oh I didn't notice but if u drop me there is a chance I won't die so it's a waist"

Y-"but there is a chance u will"

-"voice is so sexy"

The elevator dinged and a girl walked out

Girl-"hey Mikey"

Mike-"I'm gunna throw up"

Y-"who dat"

Mike-"bitch that's what that is"

Girl-"u didn't say that when u where my boyfriend"

Y-"so ur the ex"

Girl-"who are u"


Mike-"why do y'all decide to do this now"

Girl-"it's fun now"

Y-"and later it won't be"

Girl-"ur irrating me"


The girl picked up a gun

Y-"that don't scare me"

She stepped in front of Mike

Mike-"what u doing"

Duce-"trust her"

Girl-"so I can shoot u"

Y-"yeah I'll come closer so u don't miss"

Mike grabbed her

Y-"bae trust me"

Mike-"u sure"

Y-"yes baby"

He let her go she walked to her in front of the gun

Y-"u scared now"


Y-"let me see if it work"

She took it out her hand and shot at the ground and have it back to her

Y-"there u go it works perfectly fine u still haven't pulled the trigger"

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