part 8

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The next day

Y-"is that June right there"

June skipped to the car and hugged Lux tightly

Lux-"I always loved your hugs"

She hugged her back

Lux-"u seen very happy compared to last night did mystery man dissappear"

June-"yup and-"

Lux-*gasp new house closer to mine yaaayyy

June-"I didn't even say it yet"

Mika-"she has been doing that to me all week I don't understand it"

??-"hey Mika"

Mika-"..aren't u with them"


Mika-"yes u are I don't want to talk to u I have bigger and better things to do and billionaires want to talk to me and if u don't support that u can step out of my way and let me walk my carpet"


Mike-"have a good day babies'

Them-"byeee love uuu'

M&Y-"love u too"

They drove off

Y-"what no lunch box left behind"



They got back home and went upstairs

Mike-"come gimme some love baby"

She walked to him and rapped her arms around him he rapped his arms around her

Mike-"I love u mama"

Y-"I love u too baby"

She smiled a little he held her tight

Y-"u ok"

Mike-"mhm...I just feel like I don't give u enough time with me anymore"

Y-"u do baby"

Mike-"it dont feel like it"

She was going to let him no

Mike-"no I'm not done"

He pulled her arms around him she laughed a little and hugged him more he picked her up she rapped her legs are him he sat on the bed with her in his lap and put his head in her neck she played in his hair

Y-"your eyelashes tickle"

He laughed a little

Y-"u sure thats all"


Y-"u just want more time with me"


Her phone started ringing she answered on speaker

Y-"yn speaking how may I help u"

??-"hello Mrs.chong I'm Mr.jones one of Luxurys teachers and I have the dean here with me as well"

Mike-"oh shit"


Jones-"im calling on behalf of Luxurys behavior today in class and she resent got in a fight wi-"

Mike-"did she win"

Y-"be professional we talked about that"


Y-"u may continue"

Jones-"she got in a fight with one of the older students-"

Y-"hell yeah that's my- oh no what has gotten into her"

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