A few years

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Despite it being a few years, I think, I still haven't really grown much.

I know dad said he messed with my growth so I'll be a lot younger then I'm supposed along with aging slowly, but god damn it dad. I don't want to be a baby for so long!

I thought with a pout as Gaster held me in his arms as he finished up with some of his work.

I also ignored  Gaster for a little bit after this point, annoyed with my new dad. Well I guess it's not really new anymore. It has been a few years after all.

I thought to myself as my dad finally put me down in the crib he made for me. I think dad finally realized his mistake on making me age slower then usually and he might try and fix that..maybe..hopefully...

Unless he made it so it couldn't be fixed then damn it...cause no one wants to be a babybones for so long if someone messed with their growth to make them age slower.

Anyone would be annoyed with their parent for doing that when you already lived through one life and want to grow up a bit to do things on their own without their parent or parents doing it for you.

Which is why I was currently annoyed with my dad.

I don't mind being a kid a bit longer, but being a baby longer then Necessary? That's where I draw the line. Being a baby, I can't do much. Luckily being a skeleton baby is a whole lot better then human babies.

That's in my opinion, since there's no need for diapers or anything like that.

Which thank god for that.

I don't know what I would have done had I been any other race or human. I would have thrown a fit if it was done to me again and I'm not a skeleton.

Luckily for me, I think my dad is going to change it a bit so I can grow past the baby stage and onto the toddler stage..hopefully..I think that's what he is doing...I can't really tell, but usually he doesn't have me in his arms while he's working, awake or not.

So I guess he's trying to figure something out, but I don't know what it is.

If I do get another sibling though, he better not mess with their growth. I'll throw a fit if he tries it.

I thought, listening to my dad mumble to himself and set me down in my crib as he started working on something.

Oh great...I thought with an annoyed look as I catch dad glance at me from time to time, well at least he's not holding me for to long like last time.

Yesh, he held me for over a day without setting me down once while he worked and made sure I was had food every now and then.

But it was fine, at least he played with me when I was bored, at least he noticed that when I start to get bored and all. It's not like I can't do much, sure I can crawl and all, but since he's working, he has me in the crib, and I can stand..for some time but trying to walk?

I mean..I have tried it but my feet aren't exactly steady completely yet since I'm not growing much, so I'm almost practically the same Height and weight since I first woke up those few years ago.

At least I can crawl, but I need to grow some more before I can actually start walking again. Heck I can't even talk yet because my vocal cords or whatever it is that let's skeletons talk hasn't fully developed.

So surprising my old man with talking is a no go for right now.

At least my dad talks around me and to me a lot.

And I figured out how to rattle my bones to! So it's a plus side if I want to catch dads attention when he starts getting too busy with work or something else.

And it turns out dad and grillby are friends!

..I think they are friends? That Tension between the two..makes me think they want something more or something else instead of being friends...

Wait..was I even made or was I born? I don't think my dad mentioned anything about where I came from yet..wouldn't he want to talk about it it baby me?

...probably not, but dang it, I want to know!

Maybe it was a one night stand? That can happen.. I don't know though, do monster even do that?

Let alone my dad? I can't think of my dad having a one night stand with just anyone unless it was his crush or something...

It's an interesting idea..well I'll just make sure to ask my dad when I'm older about who my other parent is if I even have one...

I thought.

"🕈☟✌❄ ❄⚐ 👎⚐📬📬🕈☟✌❄ ❄⚐ 👎⚐📬📬✋ ☠☜☜👎💧 ❄⚐ ☞✋✠ ❄☟☜ ☝☼⚐🕈❄☟ ❄☟✋☠☝ 💧⚐⚐☠📬📬✋ 👎⚐☠'❄ 🕈✌☠❄ 💧✌☠💧 👌☜✋☠☝ 💧❄🕆👍😐 ✌💧 ✌ 👌✌👌✡👌⚐☠☜💧 ☞⚐☼ ✌☠⚐❄☟☜☼ ☞☜🕈 ✡☜✌☼💧📬📬 " Gaster mentioned to himself. (What to do..what to do..I needs to fix the growth thing soon..I don't want sans being stuck as a babybones for another few years..)

Ha! So I was right! He wanted to fix it a bit so I can age a bit more faster then I am now! That's great. I thought happily and let out a small giggle of delight.

I catch my dad look up towards me with a small smile.

Gaster walked over to his son and picks him up and cuddles briefly before starting to feed his own kid since it's been a bit longer then last time since he's feed his kid.

I happily accepted the food and ate it. Or drank it.

After that I let myself fall asleep soon after, satisfied that my dad was working on fixing my growth issues that he caused.

Finished with 1011 words. Hope you like and comment what you think.

I know there wasn't much talking in this, but there will be more actually talking when sans can speak and all that.

So hope you like!


Ja ne~!

I couldn't find the first translator that I used and ended up with using another one...oh well.

I was also happy to update this one since it's been a long while since I could, only reason I focused on this was because someone asked if I could try and update it since it only has a chapter and it's been so long.

So here it is.


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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2022 ⏰

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