Chapter Six: The Missing Tío

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Mateo POV & 3rd POV

Mirabel followed after the rats. Once she reached a certain point, she saw that the rats were gone. She saw a rat going through behind a painting.

Mirabel went over to it, and pushed it, and it moved a bit. Mirabel pulled it, to reveal a hole in the wall.

Mirabel went into it, and saw cracks happening. She saw a rat with he piece go somewhere, and suddenly the vision floated.

Thunder happened, and Mirabel saw her Tío Bruno. She moved back a bit. Thunder happened again, and Bruno was gone. Mirabel chased after him.

"Hey!" Mirabel called, as she was still chasing after Bruno, while the cracks were still happening.

In a room, Pepa was sitting on a couch, while her son, Camilo was calming her. "It's okay, mami. Deep breath in, deep breath out." Camilo said, as he held a cup of tea to her.

Mirabel bumps against the wall, that the couch Pepa was sitting was against it.

Pepa got startled, and a lightning hits Camilo. Camilo, begins too shapeshifts randomly.

Mirabel was still chasing after Bruno. Bruno looked back, and continued running. "Stop!" Mirabel said.

"Stop!" Mirabel said again. When she almost reached him. Bruno jumped over the planks, and to the other side. Mirabel stopped, she almost fell, and backed away a bit.

Mirabel jumped over the planks, and got to the other side. She fixes her glasses a bit, but the plank under her breaks. She grabbed onto one of he planks.

"No, no. Help, help! Casita, Casita. Help me, help me!" Mirabel said. She was about to fall, but Bruno caught her. Mirabel looked up at Bruno.

"You're very sweaty." Bruno said, as the planks underneath him breaks. Mirabel caught onto one of the planks, while her other hand caught Bruno's arm.

A rat appeared. Mirabel got scared, and accidentally let go of Bruno. Bruno dropped down.

Suddenly Bruno stood up. He dusted off the dust that was around, and saw that there was a floor.

While all of that was happening. Mateo was in his room. He opened the present Feliciano gave him, and saw a butterfly necklace. Mateo stares at it for a bit, as he blushes.

Mateo wears the necklace, and decided to go to his twin-sister, Isabela's room, to talk about what happened during the 'ruined' proposal. While also talking about what Feliciano did during dinner.

Mirabel and Bruno got up to the other side. Bruno back, than at Mirabel. "Bye." Bruno said, as he walks past him. "Wha- no, no- hold on!" Mirabel said, as she followed him.

"Ow. Why did you take the vision?" Mirabel asked. Bruno knocked some of the planks, that was around. "What does it mean?" Mirabel asked. Bruno crossed his fingers, while holding his breath.

"Is is why you came back, or... Tío Bruno." Mirabel called. Bruno let go of his breath, and continue to knocked on the planks.

"kn-kn-kn-kn-knock on the wood. You were never suppose to see that vision, no one was." Bruno said. "But-" Mirabel said. "A little salt." Bruno said, as he threw salt at her. Mirabel spits it out. "Sugar?" Bruno said, as he threw sugar at her. Mirabel spit out the sugar.

Bruno was playing a game. Mirabel saw the cracks patched up. "Wait, were you in here? Patching the cracks?" Mirabel asked. "Oh, that? No, no, no, no, I'm too scared to go near those things. All he patching is done by, Elnardo." Bruno said.

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