Chapter Four: The Vision

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Mateo POV & 3rd POV

At Casita, Alma and Isabela were talking. "Such a perfect match." Alma said. "So, perfect." Isabela said. "So good, for the Encanto." Alma said. Mirabel sneaked passed them.

Mirabel walks up to her Tío Bruno's door. She went into the room, and saw that the entrance was covered by falling sand. "Casita, can you turn off the sand?" Mirabel asked.

Outside the door, Casita told Mirabel something. "You, can't help in here?" Mirabel said. Casita begins to do some random movements. "I'll be fine, I need to do this, for you, for Abuela, and a little for me." Mirabel said.

"Find the vision, save the mira-cle!" Mirabel said, as she falls down the hill. Mirabel spits out teh sand, and got the sand out of her glasses. She saw that it leads high up. "Whoa." Mirabel said.

A keel-billed toucan appeared. "Oh, hello." Mirabel said. the toucan said something. "A lot of stairs. But, at least I have a friend. Nope, he flew away, immediately." Mirabel said, as the toucan flew up.

"Alright." Mirabel said, as she begins climbing up the stairs, while singing a bit. Mirabel kept going, until she begin crawling up the stairs. "Bruno! Your room is the worst!" Mirabel said.

Mirabel reached the top, and found that there was a gap. She groaned in frustration. She grabbed a pole, and threw it between rocks. "Okay, I can do this." Mirabel said. She look down, and saw how deep it is, but shook it off.

The toucan was on the other side. Mirabel accidentally slipped, and reached the other side. Mirabel cheered, she stomped on the ground, and a piece of it fell. Mirabel and the toucan look down, and heard the noise of it hitting the ground. The toucan gave her a look.

Mirabel and the toucan entered the room. Mirabel saw a bunch of images on the walls. The toucan accidentally tripped a vase, and startled Mirabel. Mirabel look at the vase, she turns back, and accidentally bumped a vase, causing rats to come out of it.

The rats climbed up into the holes in the face of the statues. The toucan was shaking, while beside her. They saw the door opened. They look at each other. The toucan flew out. "Quitter!" Mirabel yelled.

Mirabel entered the door, and into a room. "Empty." Mirabel said. The door closes, as Mirabel tried to stop it from closing.

Inside the room, Mirabel saw something glowed under the sand. She dug one out, and pick it up. "What's hurting the magic?" Mirabel asked, as she examines it.

Outside in the house, Alma was sweeping the floor, and she notices the candle was glowing.

Mirabel dug another piece out, and placed them together. When she placed it, the room shakes a bit, but Mirabel didn't notice. She picked up another piece, she placed it together, and saw a vision of her. "Me?" Mirabel said.

Mirabel saw sand dropping, and the room begins to crack. She looked over to the door, than the pieces. She quickly picked up the pieces, and was about to left. She accidentally dropped her glasses, she pick it up, and saw the last piece in the pile of sand.

She went over to it, and dug it out. She rushes toward the door, while avoiding falling structure. She reached the door, and tried to push it, until she notices a door handle. Mirabel got out, and the sand pushed her. She got to the ledge, and hurried to get away. She looked inside her bag, and saw that the pieces were in there.


Mirabel rushes out of the room, and bumped into her Abuela. "Where are you coming from, in such a hurry?" Alma asked, as she dusted off the sand. "I'm sorry, I was, um." Mirabel said. "What is in your hair?" Alma asked, as she was about to see it.

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