Special Interlude Act

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"Not enough. Not enough. Not enough," she kept repeating to herself, her eyes deepening from the lack of sleep.

It was on the seventh month that she completed the spell. Nobody knew what it was, no one was even aware of its existence, only she was capable of realizing its full potential. But the moment she drew the final number on the circle's outline, her body suddenly fell. The magic circle glowed. It was the brightest thing that filled the entire sky, the illuminating blue lights engulfing the entire continent. Layers of powerful magic circles cascading above the clouds, the entire world stopping to see the enthralling view.

But she was no longer breathing to see such beautiful sight.

She had cursed herself knowing she failed. She made sure she would finish everything that she placed her soul on the line, sacrificing everything she had so her soul could keep repeating life again and again until she manages to find a way to end her burdens. It was something only a Progenitor of her caliber was capable of, and she knew she would break the balance of the Cycle with what she did.

However, it was clear she no longer cared. She couldn't accept her failure, could not accept the weakness of her humanity. She wanted to protect her existence from the looming threat that would erase all Progenitors that she sacrificed her own sanity for it. Her first loop came soon. Her soul going back in time before her fallout. She was young when she remembered the experiences and memories of her soul.

She was determined to fulfill her duty. She swore that she would direct herself to success. So she trained. She honed her magic and skills. She had shut everything off to become the best. She eliminated any possible weaknesses and when she presented herself to the world, she was ready.

That was what she thought. She was not prepared of the horrors that she stumbled upon by changing the course of history. She was a constant figure in the battlefield. She was there in every wars, her name on every tabloids, her presence in every nightmares of reality. Everything wasn't going the way she wanted, as though the world was trying so hard to make life difficult for a Progenitor like her to comprehend.

She had lost companions, friends-she had lost all forms of shelter and aides she had found over decades of her journey. She could not figure out where she went wrong, everything came shattering down like fragile dominoes breaking apart the more they entangle with one another. She spent nights crying alone, spent her days numbing the pain. She had nowhere to go to, she was a lonesome being just as she was alone.

"Next time," it was a promise, her eyes locking into an empty space as her hand fiddled with the bloodstained magnum gun above the soil underneath where she had last buried the weapon's owner. "Next time, I won't fail."

She shot herself.

Her second loop was difficult. She had remembered everything just after she left Arizole. Instead of going to the Academy, she went after the roots of the problem itself, the World's Organization. She thought that eliminating the Organization would solve everything. It didn't. The sudden fall of the World's Organization made the entirety of Magnus her enemy. Magnus, having many connections, drove her into years of hiding in Siegber.

She knew she didn't have enough power to directly confront her enemies. She had nothing. No aides, no friends-her siblings even refused to have anything to do with her. It was the first time she had ever felt truly alone. She didn't want her past companions to die that she did everything to make sure their paths wouldn't cross, that they wouldn't have to die for her sake.

She still failed in the end, her body being dragged on the middle of the street, chains dangling around her neck connecting down her wrists and ankles. People were throwing things at her, along with words she had learned how to ignore for last three decades of her second loop and third life. Even as they pulled her limp body above the platform where everyone could see her demise, her eyes held nothing but blankness and numb to the world around her.

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