30 Days Without an Accident

Start from the beginning

"I'm uh good. I'll..see you guys later." He walked off, he wanted to find Daryl again before they took off without him. He did, the archer was loading up the pick up truck with Beth's new boyfriend, Zack. Nate wasn't sure if he liked him. He and Beth hooked up fairly fast and Zack always thought Nate was jealous of them, which he wasn't. She walked over to her boyfriend then, with an apron on and her hair in her signature ponytail, Nate knew she was about to go down to the fences to trade shifts with someone. Nate stood by the truck with Daryl as they talked. She kissed Zack's cheek and started to walk away with a smirk on her face.

"Uh, okay are you going to say goodbye?" Zack asked as she walked away.

"Nope! Hey, Nate." She said without stopping.

"Hey." He greeted, ever since their kiss, they hadn't talked about it again, but they rarely ever talked anymore. He wasn't sure if Zack knew about it, he hoped he didn't.

"It's like a damn romance novel." Daryl commented, also watching Beth as she walked away and Nate rolled his eyes, hopping into the truck. He hoped they would get through the gates without Rick even noticing he went with them. They began to slowly pull out and Nate ducked slightly in his seat to avoid being seen by Rick or Carl once they stopped for a few seconds. Zack threw a weird look at him.

"Shut up." Nate muttered and once they pulled out, Nate sat up straight again letting out a sigh of relief and then Zack tried to strike up a conversation by playing his 'what Daryl did before the turn' game. He sort of wished someone would shoot him and he banged his head against the back of his seat.
They all got out on the other side of the fenced in parking lot, Daryl was explaining to their newest member Bob what had happened to the store that had been turned into a military base.

"Alright, let's make a sweep, grab what you can and we'll come back tomorrow with more people." Daryl said taking the lead and walking through the hole in the fence first. Nate looked through the tents as they passed by and it didn't really seem like there was much left. A dead walker was sitting in a chair and Nate grimaced at the sight of it. Once they made it up to the store, Daryl banged his elbow against the window.

"Just give it a second." He told Zack, who had been the closest to him, leaning against a pillar. Daryl squinted right at Nate though and Nate looked off to the side. "Does Rick know you're here?" he asked, and Nate opened his mouth to answer before Zack cut him off.

"Okay, I think I got it." Zack said, throwing a look at Nate and Nate rolled his eyes realizing he was still playing his stupid game but he was thankful for the topic change even if it was one he hated.

"Got what?" Michonne asked.

"Oh I've been trying to guess what Daryl did before the turn."

"He's been driving me absolutely insane with it." Nate replied, pacing in front of them with his gun raised in case a walker came by.

"He's been trying to guess for like six weeks." Daryl said.

"Yeah, I'm pacing myself." Zack told them, taking a seat next to him, Michonne leaned her arm against the wall that Zack had been leaning against before. "One shot a day." Nate arched an eyebrow, knowing damn well that wasn't true.

"Alright, shoot." Daryl said, throwing a hand up. Zack grinned and itched at his nose.

"Well the way you are at the prison, you know. Your being on the council, you're able to track, you're helping people but you're still being kind of..uh surly." Nate let out a snort of laughter, while Michonne made a face at him. "Big swing here. Homicide cop." Nate groaned and put a hand against his temple.

"Oh my god, you're so stupid." He muttered, slightly covering his eyes while Michonne let out a laugh.

"What's so funny?" Daryl asked, looking back at the two of them.

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