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A horse chased at a fast gallop through the forest. Its rider, a young man, spurred it on even faster. He had to make it. Be there before them. Otherwise all was lost. They had to flee again, away, to a safe place.

His way led the rider along winding paths to a small house in the middle of the forest. He fastened his horse to a tree and hurried towards the house. Halfway there, the door opened and a young woman with long curly hair came running towards him.

"Aleksander!" the woman exclaimed in relief. She wrapped her arms around his body and held him tightly. You could see the relief glowing in her eyes.

"I was so worried about you! In the last few days, you've had it announced in the village that all Grisha residing there are to be handed over."

The man continued to hold her in his arms, stroking her hair soothingly and lovingly.

"What about the others? Bagrah? Damien? Are they safe?"

"Yes, they are already in the sanctuary."

"You see ... Everything will be fine. We'll go there too and then we'll be safe for now. Nothing for you to worry about."

"I am worried, though. I don't want anything to happen to you..."

The young man let out a deep laugh. He took her face in his hands and looked at her lovingly but also amused. He still couldn't believe it in part, even after all the time they had been together. Couldn't believe that in him, where there was so much darkness, she saw a light. She deserved that much, but he knew she would always choose him.

"Kira, dear ... you should know that it's not me you should be worried about."

She rolled her eyes, but smiled at him.

"You mean because I'm mortal and you're not. You know I can make it. To live longer. I just need a little more time and your power as an amplifier .... and who knows maybe I'll be able to stop the aging process completely. Maybe I could live as long as you."

"You really are amazing."

She looked at him slyly and shrugged. Her eyes shone like two sapphires.

"I know. I'm a woman of many talents."

"Oh, I can attest to that."

She slapped his shoulder in mock indignation. Her cheeks flamed. A playful expression entered his eyes. She loved that side of him and knew that she alone could see that side and bring it out of him. When she was with him she could be who she was and he made her feel safe and secure.

"I love you."

"I know."

With those words, he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers in a tender kiss. Warmth shot through her body like a fire and she couldn't begin to describe the feelings it stirred within her. She wanted to return the kiss, but they heard distant hoof beats and shouts. The two blasted apart and looked at each other in panic.

"They're coming!"

"We must hurry!"

Hectically they rushed into the small house and hastily began to stuff the most necessary things into a bag. But they didn't have much time left, for the neighing of several horses now sounded just outside the house. Frozen in place, the two stared at each other as a voice sounded from outside.

"Darkling!? ... Darkling! I know you're in there!"

Desperately, the young woman looked at her lover and silently shook her head. The latter glanced briefly at the window and then turned back to his companion.

Immortal Love - Darkling ff. -English version-Where stories live. Discover now