Better to lie

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"I'm cursed" Hermann says as he rubs his head. We're all sitting in the meeting room

"You aren't cursed" I say to try and make him feel a little better

"Hermann, this contract, if you want to call it that, is ancient" Otis says

"It doesn't matter. It states right there that Stephanides and whoever the hell that Clifford Baylor is held a 50-50 stake in our bar." 

"It's hand written. It might have been just a rough draft that wasn't properly executed. It's not even dated" Gabby says

"Should have never opened the safe" Mouch says from the couch.

"Helpful, thank you" I say sarcastically towards him.

"Shut it, Mouch" Christopher says getting annoyed.

"Oh my god" Gabby says as she lifts up a part of the box that we thought was the bottom. There's a secret compartment. She pulls out a small box that was hidden in there. 

"Smoke eater in the house" We hear over the PA causing us to go out towards the trucks as we have a visitor.

I slow down when i see who it is. After saying hi to Hermann he notices me as well. "Sloan. You work here now" He says causing everyone to look between us confused

"No i'm just here for fun" I say sarcastically. 

When i first met Benny he was friends with my old captain. Captain Herrera. He was retired but came to cover my captain for half a shift. He made the call to send a member of the team into a fire for a final check knowing it was unstable. We lost a member of the team that day. Jim Deacon. And he decided to defend himself knowing he was wrong.

"Look" he says as he takes a couple step towards me "I made some mistakes. Lord knows. But that day-"

"I don't want to hear it." I say as i turn and walk away.


I'm in the gym at work when Kelly walks in. He stares at me while i work out. After a couple minutes i have enough of it.

"Can i help you?" I say not looking in his direction.

"He must have really done something to piss you off" Kelly says

I take a breath before i say anything "I'm sorry. I snapped at you and i shouldn't have"

"No, it's fine." I finally turn towards him and stop my workout. "If it helps, i don't think that Boden is happy his here either"

"How do you know Benny?" I ask

"He's my dad" Well fuck.

"I'm sorry" I say causing Kelly to laugh. 

"Want to talk about whatever it is that happened between you two" Kelly says looking at me. I sigh knowing he should know.

"He was taking over my captain for half a shift. He went on a call with us and made the wrong choice on a situation. Got one of the guys killed" I say. "I know that with this job it's risky. It happens all the time but-" i take a breath not knowing how to finish my sentence.

"I didn't know that" Kelly says once he realises i can't continue.

"I don't even blame him. Your dad, i mean. I just hated that he didn't see the smoke change in the area he sent Jim. He never even apologised for it." Kelly walks over to me and pulls me into a hug. 


 "I'm gonna have a baby" Leslie says as i'm showering, from behind the curtain

"You're pregnant?" i ask confused

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