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I locked myself in my room and covered my ears. It happens again, they are fighting over stupid shit, and when they are done, they come to me screaming that it is all my fault. I am sick of it. I didn't do anything wrong, I just wanted to be loved, and be able to love back. 

But I guess that wasn't possible. They made sure of that. I should be mad, or sad, or maybe even tired, but I just feel numb. I had plenty of time to feel all those things, and after I felt them over and over again, they just stopped coming. 

I hear their steps coming upstairs, and then I hear their fists banging on the door. It's surprising that after all those years, my door is still standing. I know I should move, but my body just froze on the spot. Before I even realized it, my fist made contact with the mirror that I often use to conceal the bruises I get. The pieces were everywhere, and I picked the prettiest one. Finally,  in silence, they stopped banging and I started smiling. 

I heard their voices soon after, asking what happened, so I decided to show them. I closely approached the door opening it with the glass part still in my hand. They looked mortified. For the first time in my life, they looked scared. I liked it. I was going to repay them for all the things they did to me, every tear that left my eyes, and every scream that left my mouth. It was their time to suffer. 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2021 ⏰

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