Aadhira smiles at him "Hi", Charles forwards his hand towards her "Hello Mrs.Reddy.. it's a pleasure to meet you.. I'm sure we will also become good friends". She smiles "You can call me Aadhira.. or Aadhu would also do.. no need for Mrs.Reddy". He nods smiling "Okay Aadhira.. Karthik let's go.. we can go home and continue our talks".

Aadhira smiles, they three get into the car, Karthik sits in the passanger seat in front along with Charles while Aadhira sits at the back. Charles starts the car towards Karthik's house, he turns towards Karthik "So tell me Karthik how was the wedding.. how did it go.. I really wished to see your wedding.. an Indian wedding but my bad luck I was not able to make it".

Karthik shakes his head smiling "It was good", Charles rolls his eyes at Karthik's single word answer "Godd!! Let go of your single word answers Karthik.. what would you do when you have to argue with your wife". Aadhira tries to control her laughter but then ends up laughing out loud "I don't think so that will change Charles.. that's kind of his trade mark".

Charles chuckles while Karthik turns away huffing "You are right Aadhira.. this man isn't going to open his mouth even now.. you tell me what do you do". She smiles "I'm a culinary chef.. I have my own shop and run my own catering services which serves mostly in hospitals".

Charles looks at Aadhira through the mirror smiling "Wow!! That's great.. that means you will cook great food.. I'm so waiting to taste the food made by you.. so lucky you are Karthik.. you love food and eating and see your wife is a chef.. what a fate you got man.. amazing right".

Karthik just shakes his head and turns towards the windows without saying anything. Aadhira was expecting that he would say atleast something, when he didn't, there was a kind of uneasy feeling in her heart. She turns towards the window looking out of it at the passing Greenlands.

Charles could see that something was off between the couple, he knew about Karthik's feelings for Navya. They three were great friends, him, Karthik and Navya, but when Navya left Karthik, he wanted him to move on. He was happy that Karthik finally got married and this was the chance for him to move on.

But seeing them not even talking to each other, he understood that there is a lot that needs to be talked through between them. He thought that maybe with passing time they both will come closer and love will happen between them else he was already ready to meddle in between them to bring them closer.

They soon reached their home, as soon as they get down Karthik stops outside looking towards the house to the right of his own. Aadhira looks at him confused, she calls his name softly so that he can help her take the luggage inside but he keeps looking at the house without even hearing Aadhira's calls.

Charles looks at Karthik looking towards the neighbouring house which was previously Navya's. Charles shakes his head and goes to help Aadhira "Hey Aadhira let me help you.. here you take this.. me and Karthik will bring the rest". He gives her two bags and sends her off, he moves towards Karthik and shakes him to bring him out of his trance "What are you doing Karthik".

Karthik looks elsewhere, Charles looks at him with a serious expression "She is gone!! Forget her Karthik!! she isn't coming back.. Aadhira seems like a nice girl.. don't hurt her..". Aadhira had unlocked the door and entered inside, she smiles looking at the house.

It was simple and elegant, she liked the way everything was arranged in the living room

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It was simple and elegant, she liked the way everything was arranged in the living room. She turns towards door to check if Karthik and Charles are coming inside. She sees Charles telling something to Karthik with a serious, What happened.. why is Karthik looking at that house.. who is there in the house..

She goes back near them leaving the luggages in the living room, she hears Karthik talking "She was here.. right next to me.. how can I forget her Charles.. she was your best friend right.. how can you forget her so easily.. Don't you know how important her career was for her.. wouldn't you go if got once in a lifetime opportunity".

Charles looks at him "I would have but if I had someone waiting for me to get engaged I would have atleast faced her and let her know this before leaving.. not like this leave on the eve of the engagement with just a letter.. Never!!.. if you have to guts to leave you should have the guts to face that person also!!.. She didn't.. the day she left you hanging was the day I last considered her my friend..

She should have atleast contacted after she left.. but she didn't!!.. it's been more than a year.. so forget her and live your life with your wife Karthik". She goes back inside the house, her eyes were threatening to brim with tears. She tries blinking back her tears but they just flow out of her eyes without her control.

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