And in the forest over there are terrestrial orcs, two dragon tribes, one bird tribe, and one rat tribe.

The cubs of Tyrannosaurus Rex and Ankylosaurus cubs, as the two creatures with the strongest physical attack power and the strongest physical defense power in the interstellar, they are also very difficult to get along with.

And every time they were pinched up, the cubs of the Black Phoenix Sparrow clan and the cubs of the Cheek Rat clan had already shivered from the initial trembling, and gradually became accustomed to them, and they could even eat melon seeds with great heart.

"These little guys grow up day by day, and their tempers are getting more and more fierce." Delolo frowned and said to Pei Zhou: "Oh, by the way, have you brought the healing potions?"

"Bring it." Pei Zhou nodded quickly, and for the first time he came to the door for auxiliary treatment for the orc cubs. He was nervous and took almost everything he might need.

Dai Luoluo: "Well, that's good. A while ago, the Tyrannosaurus Rex cub awakened the thunder powers and crushed the Ankylosaurus cubs for a violent beating. The Ankylosaurus cubs had a big piece of meat on their bodies. It's broken, you go and treat it."

Pei Zhou was surprised: "So fierce?"

"That's right, I feel distressed and want to stop a little bit, but Grandpa Kakapo insists on letting them adapt to the social law of the weak and the strong, but I am very angry." Delolo muttered.

"Hey, here it is!" As they spoke, the two had already walked to the middle of the forest.

"Come out soon! Sister brought you toys!" Delolo shouted, flying the birds in the forest.

But the surrounding woods were still empty, and no young cubs emerged.

"Huh? No one?" Delolo was surprised.

Pei Zhou didn't say a word, he decided to take out the medicated lunch box he just made today-wild lacquer sweet fruit cake, milk-baked warren dragon bird silk, stir-fried bitter leaf weeds and vegetables, and the special nourishing main stew Little Velociraptor pot.

As soon as his four lunch boxes were opened, a strong scent came out and passed out along the wind in the woods...

Dai Luoluo's nose shook, and for a moment she forgot to summon the group of cubs, "Wow! What are these?!" She turned her head and looked curiously at the lunch box that Pei Zhou had brought.

"Wild lacquer fruit, bitter leaf grass, black crow bark, August bead, red flame eggplant...Aren't these all medicinal materials for making potions? How did you put it in the food?" Delolo's expression was incredulous .

They usually cook food by the orcs, although they also cook, bake, fry, fry... all kinds of methods, but at most they put a little salt, sugar, honey, lime juice, and occasionally special sauces from other planets, they will not put these miscellaneous things at all. !

Dai Luoluo's face couldn't help faintly greening: "Pei Zhou, what are you doing? Is this going to poison people!"

"No." Pei Zhou calmly picked up a piece of small velociraptor meat with his chopsticks and handed it to his mouth, chewing it.

This is also Pei Zhou's new discovery. Because the energy contained in it is too irritating, most of the spices here are classified as medicinal materials and need to be processed by the veterinarian before they can be eaten. star anise...

Delolo stared at Pei Zhou's oily lips, feeling that her saliva secretion was accelerating, she couldn't help swallowing her saliva, but still stubbornly said: "Impossible!"

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