A night out (Suga)

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"Let me in, you absolute arrogant asshole!", I shouted and kept banging on the door. I knew it was no use, but I had to try. "Nice alliteration", someone behind me suddenly said. I spun around suprised to see the guy next door leaning against his own dorm door. "Do you really think complimenting my lyrical talent helps me right now?", I retreated grumpily. He tilted his head: "No." I blinked confused, then sighed and let myself fall against the door, sliding down to a sitting position. The guy copied my move. I raised an eyebrow. "Do you wanna go on staring at me or why aren't you entering your room?", I asked sharply. "Got locked out", he shrugged, "What about you?" "Isn't it obvious?", I gave back. "It's obvious that someone doesn't let you in anymore, yet I don't know why." "She said I am too ugly to be around while she is filming content for her ridiculous channel." "Seriously? You way more beautiful than most of the women I know though." I blushed and lowered my eyes. "And you?", I then tried to change topic. "My roommate went out with his girlfriend and didn't know I don't have a key with me." "Your roommate is that Jimin-dude, isn't he?" "You know him?" "Who doesn't?" "True though." We went silent again. "I'm Yoongi by the way", he broke the silence. "Katy", I introduced myself. "Nice to meet you", he smiled cutely. "Likewise." "What should the two of us do, now that we know each other?" I shrugged and put my hands in my pocket, only to find something in there. I smirked. "I have the key to the community kitchen and I know there is ice-cream in the refrigerator...", I grinned at him. "Better than nothing, I guess", he grinned back.

I sat on the sink and enjoyed my ice-cream with Yoongi. "I don't even know what you mean, mint chocolate is one of the best flavours", I smirked, making him grimace. "You're gross", he gave back and I chuckled. "Whatever", I shrugged. "Do you know about the olive theory?", he suddenly asked. I nodded: "One part of the couple should like olives and the other one not." "Do you think it's the same with mint chocolate?", he went on. I tilted my head. "Don't know", I answered, "But I also don't care as long as I get ice-cream." He chuckled and wanted to say something as we suddenly heard a noise outside. We looked at each other in shock – no one was supposed to be here around this time. We listened attentively. There were clearly footsteps coming closer. "The window", Yoongi whispered and I nodded, placing my ice-cream down. We tip-toed over to our escape-spot and without hesitation, he grabbed my waist and lifted me up a little. I almost squeaked, but luckily managed to keep silent and reached out for the window's rim, lifting myself up there and jumping out. Just a few seconds later, Yoongi landed next to me safely. "Thanks for helping me but I could have done it on my own", I whispered. "I love to help damsel in distress though", he smirked. I rolled my eyes and he chuckled as he grabbed my hand and started to run off with me.

A bit out of breath we stopped running some time later and I immediately freed my hand. I didn't like how my heart had started beating faster even before running only because he had grabbed it. Yoongi looked at me with a raised eyebrow but didn't say anything. "And now?", I asked. He shrugged. I looked around. We were in the park nearby already, so I naturally suggested to just stroll around a bit. He groaned and I looked at him confused. "No hiking or taking a walk", he protested. I chuckled. "Come on, a bit of movement isn't that bad", I encouraged him. "We RAN here, Katy." "Are you that lazy?" "The fact that I want to be born as a stone in my next life should answer your question." "A stone?" "A stone. Then I don't have to move." I shook my head confused. "You really are something, Yoongi", I smiled softly. "Runs in the family", he shrugged. "In the family? Does that mean your family members were reincarnated as stones, too?", I teased him and pointed to one of the many stones around, "Is that maybe your great-great-great-grandpa?" "Tzz", Yoongi said in disbelief and picked up the stone, "It's obviously a female stone. Hi, great-grandma!" He patted the stone and gently put it back into his place, looking at me proudly. I burst out laughing and afraid of loosing my balance, I grabbed his arm and leaned against him. "You have a big family", I said in between my laughter and he nodded grinning. After calming myself down, I realized how I was holding on to him and blushing I immediately let go again. "Ey, come on. No need to be shy", he smirked, "But if my whole arm with all its muscles is too much for now... Why don't we start with the hands?" I stared at him in disbelief as he just casually grabbed my hand and with a grin, he dragged me away. "Let's go", he announced. Still confused, all I could ask was: "W-Where to?" "Surprise", he smiled.

Some time later we stood at the basketball court and I looked around surprised. "I am not lazy, I am actually quite good at basketball", he announced. I raised an eyebrow. "The future to be stone is a sportsman?", I asked in disbelief. He nodded. "I'll proof you", he beamed proudly. I sat down on one of the benches and crossed my arms. "Go ahead then", I grinned. "But I need an opponent", he pouted. "Oh no, I am not doing basketball", I said firmly but he already had grabbed my arm and pulled me up again. "Come on, I went for a walk with you, so you owe me", he smiled. "Aish, whatever", I mumbled salty, "Where's the ball then?" He nodded over to another bench: "Hid one under there." "Alright", I sighed and let myself get dragged towards there. After instructing me on how to throw the ball properly and what the rules are, we started playing. Needless to say – he was way better than me. And after a few rounds, we were both exhausted and out of breath when he suddenly blocked me by hugging me. "Hey!", I protested chuckling, not really minding. He smirked and before I could grasp it, he bend down and pecked my cheek. "Yoongi!!", I exclaimed and pushed him away, glaring at him. He just shrugged, grabbed my hand and dragged me behind. "Excuse me? Shouldn't we talk about that?", I protested. "How about no?", Yoongi shrugged. I sighed. "Next time you'll get a smack", I grumbled. "Would be worth it", he smirked.

"Where are we going now? Where are we going now? Where are we-" "Could you please just stop it?", Yoongi interrupted me. "You are annoying too, why am I not allowed to?" "Because I need to use this night to the fullest", he smirked. I rolled my eyes. "Where are we going now?", I repeated. "I'm gonna show you something, princess", he winked at me. I hated how I blushed. "The music room?", I asked a bit later. "Yes. Wanna see some of my self-produced tracks?", he gave back. I shrugged. "Sounds good, I guess", I then nodded. And only a few seconds later I had earphones on and Yoongi started one of his samples, seemingly indifferent – his bopping feet gave him away though. "Wow, that's incredibly good", I exclaimed surprised and snatched the laptop from him. "I wanna choose the next one", I announced and he chuckled. "You're cute", he said and poked my cheek. I decided to let him off this time. I discovered a lot more of his rap tracks and my enthusiasm grew with every second. He put his arm around me and pulled me close. Whatever, I let my resistance drop now; he seemed genuinely nice and I liked how he could keep up with his savageness. And somewhere along listening, I must have fallen asleep.

"Finally, I got my chance", Yoongi whispered smiling as he realized I fell asleep and brushed some hair strands out of my face. "Who knew it would have been so easy to start talking to you?" Then he took out his room key and grinned. "Thanks to you as well", he smirked and put it back in.

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