"Oh yeah, I get it. No worries then I totally understand. I won't tell them, I mean it's the least I can do after you saved me back there." Emma said wholeheartedly and she offered her a small bow. "Thanks for that."

"You don't have to bow. It wasn't a problem." Naoka said lifting the girl's spirits who smiled brightly at her.

"Say, do you think we can swap contacts? I wanna be friends if that's okay with you?" Emma asked with confidence and Naoka felt her heart warming, a sad far off look making its way onto her features and the blonde took notice. "What's the matter? Sorry was that too weird?"

"No not at all, I'd love to its just, I've only ever had one girl that's a friend before." Naoka admitted slightly embarrassed. She was still astonished that this cute girl wanted to be her friend.

It had always been tough for Naoka to make new girl friends. She had desperately craved them for so long, but her interests always set her apart from them. She wasn't the type of girl who would give up the things she loved for people who weren't willing to accept her for who she was.

"I struggle to make girl friends as well, you'll understand why soon enough I'm sure. But I'm honoured to be a new one for you." Emma said, an honesy smile lighting up her face.

Just as they had finished exchanging numbers, Emma received worried texts from both Mikey and Draken asking where she was and to come home. Naoka noticed the worried look on her face and raised her brows.

"What's wrong?"

"Ah, my brother wants me home, I don't want to trouble you or anything, but-"

"Don't worry about it." Naoka offered a small smile, happy to give Emma a ride home. Emma's smile matched as they made their way back over to Naoka's bike.


As soon as the two boys heard the familiar sound of an exhaust, their ears perked up as they rushed to the window to look out through the darkness. They were blinded by a bright light, unable to see who or what was out front.

It wasn't until the light disappeared that they saw the outline of a bike, and Emma walking to the front door. The two blonde boys looked at each other in confusion, wondering who would have dropped Emma off and quickly raced to the door to greet her.

"Emma! you're home!" Mikey hummed as he wrapped his arms around his little sister. Draken simply stood leaning against the wall as he watched the two with his usual scowl, however a small smile settled over his face when Emma looked up at him.

"Who dropped you off?" Mikey asked pulling back to look at her. Emma's cheeks tinted a light shade of pink, confusing the boys even further.

"Um, no one?" She answers in a very 'suss' way which had Draken pushing off the wall and leaning forward to peer down at her.

"By those red cheeks I'd say otherwise." The tattooed male's eye twitched trying to keep his rising jealousy in check. He wondered if it had been one of the Toman boys as he knew she didn't have any other friends who rode bikes, none that he knew of anyway.

'Who?' was what he desperately wanted to know so that he could find them and scare them shitless.

"Well, I'm super tired, I'll talk to you guys tomorrow!" Emma fake yawned as she rushed to her room to escape the boys questioning.

"Oi! We're not done here yet!" The blondes called in sync, but she waved her hand in a way that told them she wasn't going to talk any further. 

The two boys looked at each other, wondering why she was dodging.

"Do you think its a new boyfriend-"

"Absolutely not." Draken cut the shorter boy off, coughing to clear his throat. He didn't want to think about that, no, he refused to.

"You're right Ken-chin. I'm sure she would tell us if she were dating someone." Mikey said nudging his friends side who gave him a warning glare.

Emma realised she had completely forgotten to tell them about those guys who tried to jump her earlier and reminded herself she would need to in the morning. She didn't want them bothering her again.

That thought pushed on to another, and she thought about her new friend she had made today. She was excited to get to know her better and couldn't wait to see where their friendship would take them. She had a good feeling about her.

'I'm glad I met you today, Naoka.'


A few updates today, hope you guys enjoy! 

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A few updates today, hope you guys enjoy! 

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