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It's the next morning. George and Dream had to split up into different rooms right across the halls from each other.

George spent the night having a hot shower and sleeping in a bed for the first time in weeks, or has it been months already?

Now he lays in his bed, staring at the ceiling. He wants to smile, but he can't stop thinking about what happened in the Games. He fought, he killed, and he lost people close to him.

They haunt his thoughts, and the only thing to distract him from it is the thought of Dream. Dream, the player who won with him. The player who is lying in bed across the hall because they aren't allowed to see each other until the dinner tonight. For what reason, George doesn't know.

He spends all day in the bed, unable to shake the aftermath of what happened in the arena from his consciousness. Eventually, when he figures it's time, he showers again. He puts on the clothes that have appeared on his bed mysteriously while he showered.

After putting on the clothes, he stares into the mirror. George is wearing dark blue pants and a suit jacket to match. His shirt is white, it comes with a tie, but George doesn't wear it. Instead he decides to leave the top few buttons unbuttoned in favor of being more casual. There's no servant to help him this time, so he wears no makeup.

George's fingers trace his neck, where he knows a tracker is embedded somewhere underneath. He studies himself. Under his eyes are barely noticeable eyebags, courtesy of the paranoia of the Games. He's thinner than he was before being shoved in the arena, but he knows that won't be a problem now that he's won with Dream. His hair was cut by a servant last night, so no curls remain. George sighs and strides to the door.

He turns it, realizing it's unlocked and opens the door. An official, masked and menacing, is on post outside George's door, but he says and does nothing. George walks across the hall to knock on Dream's door.

"Come in," Dream says from behind the door.

George opens it, closing the heavy wood behind him quietly. Dream turns to him, grinning. "George!" he greets warmly.

George smiles immediately. His eyes roam over Dream's outfit for the night. He's wearing black pants and a black silk shirt, which hangs loosely over his frame. It's a low V-neck that dips to the top of his stomach. He also wears no makeup, like George.

"You clean up nice," Dream murmurs with a gentle smile as he walks up to George.

"I could say the same for you," George replies, feeling a warm flush wash up his neck as Dream kisses his forehead.

The door opens with no warning and Wilbur walks through, frowning. "You two weren't supposed to see each other yet."

Dream raises his hands defensively, grinning as he teases, "It's George's fault."

George rolls his eyes, turning to Wilbur. "No one stopped me."

Wilbur shrugs. A man George recognizes as the Sector 2 representative steps in. Bad smiles at George, saying, "I'm BadBoyHalo, the Sector 2 representative, but you can call me Bad."

"Nice to meet you, Bad," George replies. "I'm George."

Wilbur introduces himself to Dream and soon they're walking through the halls.

Dream asks, "So does the prize money get split between us?"

George glances at him, scoffing lightheartedly. "I'm just glad we're alive. I'm sick of being watched."

Dream goes to defend himself, reassuring George that he too is glad they're alive and together. But George doesn't focus on his reply. His attention is drawn to Wilbur and Bad, who frown, looking uncomfortable.

"Something the matter?" George asks them.

Dream pauses his rushed excuses to look at the representatives curiously. Bad swallows and Wilbur replies steadily, "Of course not, George! You've brought pride to Sector 7. I'm proud of you."

George hums, his eyes narrowing. He doesn't reply because his focus is drawn to the room they've entered. The President sits at a table with four empty chairs. She smiles and gestures to chairs.

"Please, take a seat. I'm happy to provide dinner for the winners of the Immortal Games!"

George smiles in return, but it doesn't reach his eyes. The two players and their representatives sit. Trays of hot food are brought out for them. George's eyes widen as the rich smell greets his nose.

Food is piled onto their plates. George and Dream eat, savoring the rich food. It's the first real meal they've had in several weeks.

"Eat any faster and you'll swallow the food whole," Nihachu muses.

George pauses, an embarrassed flush tainting his cheeks. He can't help the spiteful words that leave his mouth. "It's not like we had amazing food in the arena, did we?"

Dream pauses, eyes wide with his fork in front of his mouth. George's mouth snaps shut. He rushes to apologize. "My apologies, ma'am, I didn't mean to be so rude. Thank you for providing us with this amazing food."

Nihachu studies him for a long moment, making George shift in his seat. She says in a lilting accent, "I don't mind, George, I understand your frustration."

George swallows and nods. A tense silence follows her words. Nihachu smiles. "Now, where were we? Why did you two decide to disobey the rules of the Immortal Games to win together?"

If there was any harsh bite to her words, it was gone before George could blink.

Dream sets his fork down and clears his throat. He glances at George before saying, "Well, it's not like we had that planned from the start."

"But you stuck together for quite a long time, didn't you?" Nihachu asks, her accent covering the way her voice prods them.

"Uhm, yeah," Dream mumbles.

"Too bad your other friends couldn't make it with you."

George stiffens, his fingers turning white as they curl around the silver of his fork. He mutters, "That... that is unfortunate, yes." He tries to appease Nihachu with his words, but he hates the forced politeness that falls from his tongue.

Nihachu smiles wolfishly, her head tilting. "Do you think they're together now? In the afterlife?" Her voice is almost mocking them, reminding them that she knows every conversation they've ever had in the arena. She's testing them.

"I think so, yeah," Dream says, his tone unsure and hesitant.

Golden eyes narrow, studying Dream like a hawk. Tense silent ensues, and even the sector representatives shift in their seats nervously.

"Huh," the President comments. She clasps her hands together, saying, "Well, my hunger is satiated! Is yours?" When Dream and George nod, she smiles. "Alright, then let's head to my office to discuss your prize."

She stands up, George and Dream following suit, but Wilbur and Bad stay behind. The two winners of the Games follow her in silence.

They make it to her office, a room decorated with vast amounts of gold. Nihachu walks behind her desks to pull out some papers. She sits down at her desk and smiles, saying, "If you'll just sign these, we can give you two your prize."

So they sign at the bottom, not even bothering to read through the papers because of misplaced trust in their leader.

They sign without thinking twice.


a/n - I'm scheming everyone lfg

love you so so much <3

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