Ch 12 - Make Up School

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As George got dressed for his test, he smiled confidentially as blob XD flew around his room. "XD, stop flying or you'll get caught!" George giggled as he heard Quackity knocking the door

George grabbed the blob's body, slightly squeezed it as it squeaked, and shoved XD under the bed as Quackity hugged the brunette (From cartoons when they squeeze a small living thing, but gently instead of harsh)

Quackity: Today's the day of your make up tests. All 15 of them!

George: This time, I feel ready, maybe nervous, but I will pass

Quackity: What's with all the confidence? That's new, and I like it!

George: During my trip at Earth, I met someone

Quackity: YOU?! MET?! SOMEONE?! HOLY SHIT!! GIVE ME ALL THE DETAILS!! How does he look like?! (He knows George is bi)

George: Tall *thinking* Dramatically giant tall

XD: *to George telepathy* Hey!

Quackity: I bet he's taller than you!

George: He is

XD: *telepathy* And you like it!

Quackity: Facial?

George: Soft freckles and beautiful rare eyes!

XD: *telepathy* How'd you know they're rare? I said I was cursed, never rare

George: *telepathy* Shut up, XD!! Let me describe you!

Quackity: Awesome, compadre! Maybe you can introduce me your new crush after the test

George: How about tomorrow? It's...complicated

Quackity: I understand. See you at class!!

His friend flew away as George sighed. He looked at the blob, who was peeking out from the bed and his expression only made it worse for George, because it only shows XD


George: Really?

XD: What?!

George: If you keep talking and lose my focus, people will look at me weird!

XD: I'd like to see that!

George: DREAMXD!!

XD: Fine! Baby!

George: Says you!

XD flew as he smacked George with his tiny wing. "Why you?!" George laughed as he gently squeezed XD, squeaking in return as he placed him inside a backpack

He walked to school to keep the surprise that he can fly and pretend he is still a cripple. His enemies watched him as they just rolled their eyes

George sat next to Quackity as Phil bowed, "Welcome back, George. Are you ready to take your 15 flying and power tests?" (Note: Not 15 each, it's mixed)

"I am," George said as Sapnap and his friends snickered. Phil glared at them as they stayed quiet. Phil smiled and George walked to the courtyard

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