Ch 10 - Adorable Moments

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George was awake, trying to fly. He managed to lift off from the ground, but he still couldn't fly forward or around, just up and in place

XD yawned as he noticed the angel trying to practice by himself. "Come to me," XD said, startling the angel

"You scared me!" George gasped as XD wheezed like a kettle. George flew and tried making his wings fly forward

He slowly moved as he was also going higher. XD stood up to his full height as George grunted and tried flying straight to him

"Almost," XD whispered as George smiled and felt himself slowly falling. "Got you," XD said as he had his hands cupped and George sat on his palms

"I'm tired," George yawned as he closed his eyes. "It's daytime, how could you be tired?" XD asked himself as he was turning red

He decided to sit back. XD was leaning on a giant boulder and placed George on his robe as the angel snuggled and grabbed a bit of the robe as a blanket

This just made the God have a gay panic attack. He wanted to nuzzle, cuddle, and be his God to this one crippled angel

After hours of his nap, George woke up. He noticed a hand over him and looked at the God also asleep

His head was facing down, but George noticed his mask was off. He walked to see the face, and it just shocked the angel

He had a scar marked like an X on the bridge of his nose, his soft freckles dotted nicely across the face of the God's, and he looked more human this way

Fluffy golden blonde strands of hair dangled in front of the forehead. The angel touched the skin, and he was melting

It was soft like the clouds. He wanted to see his eyes, but he was asleep, and George did not want to disturb him

"George?" Too late. The angel looked at the God's eyes. Once open, the God smiled, but noticed on the angel's eyes, was the reflection of his face revealed (lol, get it? Ok, I'll stop)

"George!" he panicked as he placed his mask back on. George just smiled, "Your eyes are beautiful! What are they?"

XD: *sigh* It's called Eyes Of Ender. I was born with these as a curse. Even after broken, I still had them. It looks like a cat or snake eye

George: They're beautiful! How did you get that scar on the bridge?

XD: *chuckle* Nyx. I was helping her to do a sky battle, but she swung twice. On the first, no blood came out, but the second time, she freaked out

George: You taught her?

XD: Of course! I'm the God of Gods! My title is just a meaning that I am the leader, the most powerful, and the wisest, but I lack all but the power

George: You're perfect the way you are!

XD took off his mask. He kissed his little angel as George giggled. He kissed back as the God blushed and began having another gay panic attack

"I love you, XD. As something more than a friend. You've been so kind and gentle to me. You have taught me to fly, not fully, but you managed to have the patience with me. I want to be with you forever. I think Quackity will really like you."

George hugged XD's finger as XD smiled, "Thank you. This means so much to me. I felt the same way with you. I was just scared you and I would stay as friends. It's not a bad thing, but I really love you. Ever since you freed me, I had never laid my eyes on the most beautiful angel."

George felt tears of happiness as XD nuzzled the angel. George giggled and kissed his X scar on the bridge

"Now, shall we continue with our training?" XD asked as George nodded

George was finally flying better than before. On that day, he learned and flew around XD as the God laughed

He watched the angel fly around him as he finally managed to fly like a normal angel, but all that's left was to empower his little angel

"Tomorrow, we'll practice on your water bending," XD smiled as George gasped and nuzzled XD's cheek, making the God extremely uncontrolled with his blush and thoughts

George cuddled close to XD's neck as the God closed his wings to shield them from any danger nearby

Huh? He thought as he sensed some company. His wings matched the surroundings, camouflaging to where he is currently located

He smiled and closed his eyes as George nuzzled deep into his neck, feeling the warmth radiating as the God yawned, "Good practice, my sweet baby angel."

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