As for Paula, she was on a walk with Riot. The two shared only few words to point something out or to desc ribe the beauty of a natural ice chandelier or the the views they come cross. Nothing too major. They were heading north, towards the large mountains that stretched across the landscape. The snow, as usual, crunched and crushed behind their feet. A scenes of calm and relaxation came over both of them. Much more so for Riot as such sensations were rare. So much so that for once in his life he was caught unprepared when he fell into, the same hold Y/n fell in so many weeks ago.

Paula: " Uncle Riot!!"

She with fear and anoixity, desperate for the second last member of her family life. Thankfully, mostly to his reactive skills, Riot was able to land perfectly on his feet. The warm, soothing air reached all over his body and the steam, tho not concentrated, managed to relax his entire body.

Paula: "Uncle!!"

Her scream woke him and reminded him of the situation he was in.

Riot: -Down in a natural cave... about 10 meters deep... stlagmites not heavy enough to break... Paula in possibility of falling as well.-

All this ran through his mind before he heard Paula slip and scream as she fell. In an instant he turned and caught her just before she hit the ground. When Paula realized what just happened and where she was she hugged Riot. He held her close and turned around to finally see the view before them. He whispers in a tone of disbeif.

Riot: "you are not going to believe me but that fall is a blessing."

Paula: "Wh-what..."

She turned around and saw the same beautiful view of the natural hot springs. The sunlight seeps through the multitude of holes to feed the masses of moss growing on smooth and sharp rocks alike. Very small white flowers stand out in the dark green moss. A large pool steamed with three small waterfalls keeping it at a constant level. The water almost glowed against the rays of sunlight.
Paula gasped in awe while Riot slowly put her down.

Paula: "it's... so... beautiful..."

Riot: "it really is..."

They both walked to the water's edge and dunked their feet in the soothing warm water. This was the perfect occasion to relax and let the worries fade away.

An hour passes and the two stay in silence. Why wouldn't they? This place was too beautiful to disturb with talk... but sooner or later one of them had to speak up.

Riot: "Paula, can I ask you something?"

Paula: "...sure..."

Riot: " you hate me for killing your dad and brother and leaving you in the hands of a stranger?"

If there was one question that could ruin the mood it's that one. But in Riot's defence he had to ask. The feeling that both kids secretly hate him was worse than a gun shot.

Paula: "Well..... i don't hate you but I'd like to know why.... you did it..."

Riot: "...let me answer your question with another. Do you believe the dead should be brought back?"

She thinks for a moment before answering.

Paula: "...I think... if a person dieds... we should remember them for their life and... not wishing for them to be with us... after all... we'll all died eventually..."

Riot: "That's a good answer... now I don't know if you know or not but your father was trying to bring back your mother at the cost of Ahri's life... I couldn't let that happen... and.... and your father wouldn't stop so... well... you know what happened."

She stared at her father's killer in silence. Not from hatred or disgust but in understanding. Before Riot could say anything else she gently rest her head on his shoulder. Little did Paula know that her action was exactly the thing Riot need.

Paula: "And.... what about Kay?"

Riot: "...he was going to follow in your father's footsteps."

Paula: "So.... you killed... to prevent any... future harm?"

He gave a short nod before asking.

Riot: " you... hate me for killing him?.... I know you two were close and... you would do everything together..."

He waited this time, gently petting Paula  as she kept holding onto him. The water remained calm and still but up from above small clumps of snow fell. Making small splashes creating echoes. Only then, when the last clump fell, did Paula answer.

Paula: "I wish... there was another way... so you didn't have to............ and Kay would still be alive."

Riot: "I too... wish there was another way.... but if there is one thing that runs in our family, it's the sheer will we posses when we are set our minds to do something. So cherish this power... and only use it for good."

The embrace each other in a loving hug. Hopefully things will be brighter and more joyous from now on.

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