important announcement

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Hey y'all. First of all Sorry for being absent. Well what can I say this pandemic has been difficult on all of us.

So just wanted to share the blurb of a story in drafts,tell me if it's any good and about uncover, uncover will definitely uncover itself 😉

Chapter -1

I want to be the girl over whom two males fight it out.
I want to be that girl; when she walks, everyone stops doing everything and just watches her. When she talks, everything else goes silent.
I want to be good at everything I do.
I want to be that girl.
But I'm not.
And I've read somewhere,the things you say before But are bullshit.
So yeah here am I-
I'm anything but that aforementioned girl. I'm me- A girl who wants to create something relatable, something that people will feel in their hearts; actually cut the crap,I just want to be a writer,but the problem is I  don't know how to write. There are many scenarios in my head,I just don't know how to put them to paper. Actually that may be due to the reason,that I decided to become a writer while reading books?
Don't get me wrong,I can write pretty good romance novels,the one with connections. But I'm not just able to do it. Maybe the lack of romance in my life plays a part in it. But Whatever. So instead of being a writer, I'm here- teaching in a school. To the 4th graders.
I have been a dream student for every teacher- the topper, quiet and shy. But the kids I've got,are my total opposite. They are everything but that. But Life is going on. Something is always better than nothing, right?
‘ Dean ma'am has called you to her office!’ The peon announced and left from there in hurry.
Dean has called me?
What did I do this time?
Let's just recap a little bit: I was shuffled through classes like an orphan is shuffled through a foster home. A little controversial there,but alas,it is the truth.
I'll not lie,it was difficult for me to cope up at the start. Actually, it's still difficult for me to cope up,but I'm somehow surviving. After that, I was given fourth grade. The kids of this class, I'll tell you,they are the nightmare of any nice teacher. That's me, I'm talking about me. They are a nightmare for me. I call them little chaos. And they've spread throughout my entire life. Never in my life have I thought that I'll try to resolve a fight in which one child called another one a thief, because supposedly he took his pencil?
So I'm learning a lot in this process. But these kids are just good at making noise or having arguments. They've lost all the competitions till now- be it spell bee,poetry or dancing.
Oh my God! I got it. I'm getting fired! She's firing me! Oh lord! I'm getting fired because of my class's poor performance. It's totally happening.
Ok, Aarohi, be ready to get fired!
I was packing my things,when the peon came back again, ‘ You didn't show up? She's waiting!’
I nod at him and leave after him. In the elevator, I can feel my rapid heartbeats. It always does this in these kinda horrific situations. The elevator stops. The peon gestures to me to go on. I nod and step out of the elevator. I walk towards her cabin. I lightly knock at her door.
‘ Come in.’ She says.
I open the door, greeting her. ‘ Good afternoon mam.’ My voice is barely audible to my own ears. I hope she heard it all right.
‘ Is it true,what I got to know?’ She asks, looking me square in the eye.
‘ What ma'am?’ I ask in my feeble voice.
‘ That there's something going on between you and someone else in this school?’
There's something going on between me and someone else?
What the fuck! And why I don't know? I'm just trying to collect my thoughts,when it dawns on me.
Oh No.
Is she talking about Agam?
Am I that transparent?
I know I've a little bit of a soft corner for himb,but is it that visible on my face? I look sideways in the mirror. No, it doesn't show that I've a thing for Agam. Then how does she know that?
‘Pardon me,But I don't understand what you are saying?’ I ask and cross my fingers, hoping it's a bad dream.
‘Arohi Bajwa, I'm asking you whether you are dating Kabir or not?’ She almost screams.
‘ No, I'm not dating Ag… wait what's the name of the person whom I'm supposedly dating?’ I ask, confused.
‘ Kabir.’
‘ Kabir as in Kabir Singh Gill?’ I ask,my eyebrows raised up.
‘ Yes.’
‘ As in…  your son?’
‘ Yes,Aarohi.’ She sits,leans back on her chair.
My head is on the verge of exploding. Someone is spreading rumours about me and Kabir being a thing! Are people gone mad? Me and him didn't even have a proper conversation in my time here and I'm supposedly dating him? I'm going to kill the person who's spreading these lies! I'm not the one who seeks vengeance,but this time let it be.
‘Can I ask who told you about this?’
‘ About what?’
‘ About me and Kabir?’ I ask, trying to think of the ways, I'm going to murder that person.
‘ Kabir himself did.’
With that revelation, I felt the ground below me spinning. I saw her concerned face, before everything went black.

‘ She's awake.’ I heard as I opened my eyes. With a little headache, ‘ What happened to me?’ I look around and realise that I'm in the school nurse's room.
‘ You fainted,due to starvation.’ She gives me a stern look. Please,she doesn't have the weight to look slim and pretty on her shoulders as set by the society. I really envy those people who are born with fair skin and a slim figure,and it remains the same way no matter what they do or eat. On the contrary, I'm not one of those girls. I'm me. And I belong to a certain country where being beautiful is equivalent to two things: being skinny and fair.
‘ How's she?’ Dean asks, taking me out of my thoughts.
‘ She's fine. She fainted because she skipped her breakfast, I think.’ the nurse says.
‘ Oh!’ She lets out a gasp, before glancing at me,‘ Why didn't you tell me that before,in my cabin?’ she asks.
Because you don't talk out things like those to your Boss? Or maybe because I thought you were going to fire me.
‘ It's alright,you take some rest and something to eat.’ She caresses my arm, flashing what I term as a motherly smile and turns to her secretary, ‘ Send someone else in her class for the rest of the day. And tell Kabir to take her to his cabin,so she can relax there.’ she says.
Her secretary nods at her and follows her as she leaves.
Kabir Singh Gill,looks like finally we're going to have a proper conversation.

He was having coffee,when I entered his cabin along with peon.
‘Sir, Shikha ma'am said that Aarohi mam will rest here for some time.’ the peon spoke as she helped me on the sofa. He nodded at her and continued to sip his coffee.
The peon left after giving me a glass of water.
As soon as the door closed,I got up from the couch, ‘ What did you tell your mother?’
‘ Well,hello to you too.’ He says, briefly glancing at me,before focusing on his laptop.
‘ What did you say to her about me?’
‘ Oh that!’ He looks up from laptop, looking at me, ‘ I  might've told her that I like you,’ I glare at him hard, ‘ and you might feel the same.’he says and starts typing something
So Dean was speaking the truth. Kabir actually said those words himself. Maybe he actually…
‘ Do you mean it?’ I ask softly,gazing at his face.
‘ What?’ He asks,still typing.
‘Do you really like me?’ I ask,my breath quivering a little bit along the way.
‘What?’ He finally looks up and glances at me from head to toe.‘ No. Absolutely no. No,I don't like you.’ He says, shrugging his shoulders lightly.
That asshole! He doesn't have to make it seem like I'm someone undesirable. My nostrils flared. ‘ Then why the hell did you say that to your mother?’
‘ Because she was bothering me with her marriage talks. So to get her off my back, I told I like someone from school. And told her your name.’ He says as a matter of factly.
‘ So you lied to her?’
‘ No, I didn't.’
Is this guy on some hard drugs?
‘ You just said,you don't like me. So obviously you lied to your mother.’
‘ Yeah,But she doesn't know that yet. And she'll definitely not know about it. Because you'll follow my plan.’
‘ Huh? What Plan?’
‘ Yes,my perfect plan. In which you and I will date each other,’ I raise my eyebrows in confusion, ‘ Only in my mother's eyes.’ He clarifies. ‘ Then after two months, we'll break up,after which I'll be too heartbroken to talk about marriage in my mother's eyes. So yes, that's it. Isn't it brilliant?’ He asks, somehow being proud of himself.
‘ It's good,but with  only a little loophole there!’I say, rolling my eyes at him.
‘ What?’
‘I don't agree to this. I will never agree to this,’ He opens his mouth to speak,but I cut him off, ‘ Just give me one reason, why should I agree to this plan of yours?’
He scoffs. ‘ Don't worry I'll give you some reasons,honey to stick to my plan.’ He walks forward, sitting on the table facing my chair. ‘ a. If you'll agree to  my plan for this, I'll give you my word. I'll help you in getting that senior physics class,which you dearly want. Don't you?’
I do. I want that senior class, but how does he know that?
‘Second,fake dating me,will only up your status...’
I cut him off,‘ What if my partner finds out?’
‘ Which partner? You don't have any!’ He says in a mocking tone.
Well, he's right, I don't have any partner, but there's…. Someone. There's Agam.
‘ Last but the most important one,’ He leans in closer,before whispering, ‘ You'll learn how to be on the top.’ He says,a smirk adorning his face. That asshole.
I get up from my chair, looking him in the eye,‘ I have always been on the top,Karan Singh Gill. I don't need to learn that from you. So even,if I agree to this stupid plan of yours, it's you who need to learn, because you're at the bottom.’
He smirks before saying, ‘ I will not mind.’
‘Excuse me?’
He leans in closer again, ‘ I said I'll not mind having you on the top. The view will be nice for me.’ He whispers,making me lose my breath.
‘You…’ I  point my finger at him and try to say something,but words don't come out. Defeated, I leave from there,not before taking an oath that I'll wipe that smirk off his face.

Happy new year!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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