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    Also known as hell, where dreams go to die. Elementary is the place where you don't really get judged though. Life is fun. Then there's middle school, where everyone only cares about is having the trendiest clothing and popularity. And the yearbooks with like "Best Athlete" and "Future President" and "Einstein of the Year" or whatever, all based off of popular adolescents. I bet that most teachers and staffs only know the popular and misbehaved kids and the ones who are in the school plays. But knows none of the other students unless they have them in their class, or they're in the student council or whatever. But then there's high school, which might be a little better than middle school, although still a bit similar. In high school everyone still caring a little about their clothing, but caring a lot about their education, finally. Because everything they do in high school kinda counts. And colleges will be wanting you if you did great and participated in clubs in high school.

    Life doesn't really start when you're in school. School is kinda like a test. If you pass, you get into a good college and have a great life. If you fail, you won't have a great life. School is like your tutorial before you get out in the real world. College is a school too. But in college the test is different. The test is about how well you do as an independent young adult, without your parents nagging you or babying you around. It's a practice for the real world because you won't have anyone to guide you. But maybe you do. I mean there's your guardians, maybe they'll help you, and there's google so you're in luck.

    But back to school-resembling-as-a-test thing. These teachers are getting you ready for the real world. I mean they've already made it. These adults have already gone through the test, and they passed. Now they want us to help us pass ours, because the world rests in our hands when our generation comes. We don't want our generation to just ruin everything. We'll be like the damn Hunger Games or Divergent or The Maze Runner. And we all know their environment, economy, and/or government was horrid, it was a disaster. If that ever happens, be the Resistance, like Katniss Everdeen, Tris Prior, and Thomas.

    So yeah, school may be a hell but don't be the generation that'll probably start a war over something that may be so minor and pointless.

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