Both Yashoda and Narayani laugh hearing their husband, they both look at Karthik and Aadhira "Take care of eachother.. learn to forgive and move past eachother's mistake.. and most importantly understand eachother.. become eachother's best friends which you both were before..". Aadhira and Karthik give them a small smile and a nod.

Everyone hug them and bid a goodbye to them. Karthik and Aadhira get into the car and get on their way to airport. Aadhira and Karthik keep looking in opposite directions out of their windows. Karthik's phone starts ringing with Yash's number, he smiles and picks the call "Hey Yash"

"You both are on your way to the airport!?"


"Put it on speaker.. Unnati also wants to talk to Aadhira"

Karthik puts the phone on speaker, they hear the excited voice of Unnati "Hey Aadhu, Hey Karthik".

Aadhira smiles hearing her voice "Hey Unni.. Hey Yash.. how are you guys.. how's the honeymoon going"

Unnati chuckles, while Yash answers the question "Honeymoon is going really well.. and thank you Aadhira for the gifts.. actually convey it to Akshara also.. My Atom bomb was not letting me call you both to thank"

Aadhira chuckles while Karthik looks at her confused, they could hear Unnati smacking Yash. Aadhira "Okay okay love birds.. enjoy your honeymoon.. and don't fight.. well are you ending your honeymoon this week or you are planning to extend it for a 3rd week.."

"Ye...", Yash was about to speak when Unnati cuts him off "Noo Aadhu we are not..", Yash whines "Butt...", "No".

Aadhira and Karthik could hear them both arguing over extending the honeymoon or not, Karthik jumps into to stop "Okay okay Romeo Juliet.. stop fighting.. extend your honeymoon as long as you want.. nobody will say anything".

Yash chuckles "I want to but someone isn't letting me.. anyway both of you enjoy your 6 months long honeymoon.."

Aadhira and Karthik looks elsewhere embarassed, Unnati "Don't listen to him.. Have fun both of you.. All the best to you Aadhu for expanding Glee Paradise.. Take care of eachother.. and be happy".

Aadhira and Karthik mutter a small 'Okay' after which they disconnect the call. They soon reached the airport, checked in and were waiting for their flight's boarding call.

The boarding soon starts and they both get into their flight, Aadhira and Karthik reach their seat. Karthik first goes in and takes the window seat. Aadhira glares at him "That's my seat.. see the window seat number and the seat number in my ticket.. it's the same..".

Karthik looks away "Huhh!! I booked the seats so I get the window seat.. do whatever you want..". Aadhira keeps shooting glares at him "Excuse me.. yes you booked the tickets.. but you put the window seat on my name.. so move and let me sit".

Karthik just ignores her and continues sitting there, Aadhira continues standing in the aisle glaring at him, the other passengers just standing there and looking at these two fighting like kids "Karthikkkk moveeeee".

Seeing them fighting an air hostess comes near them "What happened Ma'am Sir", Aadhira turns towards the air hostess "Hi, this man has taken my seat and he isn't moving.. see it's my seat", she shows the air hostess her ticket. The air hostess too sees the ticket and turns to Karthik "Sir please move.. the seat is not yours it's hers..".

Karthik glares at Aadhira who was smiling to herself and turns towards the air hostess "I booked the tickets and I booked the seats.. I'm sure MY WIFE can adjust", he turns to shoot his eyes at Aadhira again. She just rolls her eyes muttering, Nice way to use our relationship.. but I'm not leaving my window seat.

Aadhira looks at the air hostess who looks at the shocked "Umm you are husband and wife", Aadhira nods "But that doesn't mean he can take my window seat right.. tell him to move.. I want to sit near the window".

Karthik looks towards Aadhira "Why.. It's not like you can't tolerate travelling.. or you get nauseated during travel.. even if that's the case this is a flight it won't be of any use.. why do you want to have the window seat", Aadhira glares at him "Because it's My seat.. you are My seat.. move out of My seat".

Everyone in the flight were looking at these two amused. One elderly lady in the flight smiles looking at Karthik and Aadhira "Seems like you both had a fight before this.. that's why you both are fighting now also.. why don't you give the window seat to your wife child".

Karthik looks at Aadhira "She can sit in the seat next to me right..". Aadhira shakes her head indicating 'No' and crosses her arms over her chest. He keeps glaring at her and moves out of the seat letting her go inside. The air hostess chuckles looking at the two of them.

Aadhira had a victory smirk on her face as Karthik moves out and let's her take the window seat. Karthik keeps shooting glares at her "Huhh!! Always you only do what you want right.. I'll also see what you do later". She just ignores him and turns towards the window and opens it up.

Soon the flight starts and she keeps looking out the window at the clouds, she keeps smiling looking outside while Karthik still keeps looking at her fuming. Aadhira smiles and turns towards him "What is mine is mine Dr.Karthik Reddy.. I will definitely fight for that.. doesn't matter when or where.. and doesn't matter with whom I'm fighting".

Tied by Destiny (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now