Chapter 24(confusion)

Start from the beginning

"Well, since, you are Dream, does that mean you created the DreamSMP?" Dream laughed a bit

"Yes, you can say that, but I wouldn't say I created the world, I just own a portion of land there" Dream shrugged

"But, there are factions in the land?" Tsukauchi questions

"It's a very large portion of land I own" Dream look at Tsukauchi, knowing that he mixed a bit of lie in his word

"Alright........"Tsukauchi write down the information He got onto his paper

Phil and Tommy's constant screaming woke up a goat boy, who was having a very nice dream

" two.....SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Tubbo yell, grabbing a dagger from his inventory and throwing in the general direction of Tommy and Phil

The heroes saw this and try to push Tommy out of the way

But all Tommy did was grab the dagger mid-air,

Without looking back and stab it into the table that was in between the heroes and the streamers

He then turn back and yelled "THE FUCK TUBBO, YOU ALMOST KILLED SOMEONE!!"

Tubbo then joined the screaming competition but this time the heroes intervene

They apprehend Tubbo making Tommy pulled out a sword and begin attacking them

Before Tommy could kill sniper, Philza surround Tommy and the heroes with birds

Dream on the other hand was watching and holding down a few heroes, Nezu, All Might, Eraser and the detective

"Don't worry mate, he means no harm" Phil standing in front of Present mic, Midnight and Vlad King

"He just attack you, and you don't mind?" Midnight questions

Tubbo was looking at the heroes wondering where he was,

He look at Tommy, who was still in his school uniforms

"Tommy, where are we?" Tommy turn his head towards his friend and grin

"We're in...." there was a long pause,

He walked over to the sleeping Ranboo

"MY HERO ACADEMIA!!!!!" Tommy jumped and dropped his elbow onto Ranboo

Causing the poor boy to wake up from his peaceful dream of wanting to swim in water

"OOF-" Ranboo grab his stomach and curl into a ball

"WAKE UP RANBOOB" Tommy shake the curled up Ranboo

"What the hell Tommy" Ranboo still clutching his stomach slowly sit up

"WE GOT AN INTERVIEW TO DO" Tommy pulling Ranboo and Tubbo under his armpit

Ranboo fell onto the floor causing him more pain

"That's enough Tommy, your hurting him" Phil help release Ranboo and Tubbo from Tommy's clutch

"Thank you, phil" Ranboo stood up

The heroes now see how tall the halfling really is, stare in awe

He was still however in pain

"You alright Ranboo?" Phil ask already knowing the answer

"No, I'm not fine actually" Ranboo was still clutching his stomach had to bend over to decrease the pain

One of the heroes at less have the decency to grab a chair for the halfling to sit

"Thank you......uh?" Ranboo stared at the very appropriately dressed hero

"Midnight" the black haired hero helped the boy to sit

"That-never mind" Ranboo wanting to point out her clothing choice but decided against it

"Uh, did Tubbo do something while I was asleep?" Ranboo now seeing the situation at hand

Ranboo scan the room seeing the heroes surrounding his Platonic husband

"He-" "he threw a dagger are Tommy" Phil interrupted All Might,

Ranboo eyes narrow at his husband

"Tubbo........" Ranboo said his a low and stern voice,

Tubbo looked away trying to avoid his husband's gaze

Ranboo saw this and sighs

"What did we talk about.......Tubbo murder is not pog" Tubbo flinched and rushed behind Tommy

The heroes were shock at how easily these people say murder

"Murder?" Tsukauchi, the detective, now looking between Ranboo and Tubbo

"I will need you to elaborate" The detective narrow his eyes at the somewhat 15 year old looking goat boy



My God that's a long story

Word count: 1115

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