Broken Bones

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Before you read:

1st: Dove is the nickname given to you by your twin brother Theodore Nott.

2nd: The ages are completely different. Main character and Theo are 7th years along with Terence Higgs and the Weasley twins.

3rd: The first part of this is an old oneshot I wrote but I hated the ending so I changed it and made it better. I republished this oneshot because it had already been out for around a year.

Old word count: 1869

New word count: 6611

Thank you! Enjoy!


I always wondered if I would grow out of pranking professors but what can I say, I'm an adrenaline junky. Which is definitely what I tell myself every time I find myself running to the Slytherin common room to hide from whoever I pranked. Especially as I cast a glamour charm over myself, hiding the black powder on me from the explosive gift I put in Snape's office. But I say that as a 7th year student, I wanted to go out in style.

As soon as the common room door was opened, I slammed it shut behind me. I instantly scoped out the common room and saw my brother and Draco sitting on the couches by the fireplace.

I also noticed another infamous group of 7th year Slytherins sitting at a table near the fireplace. This group consisted of Adrian Pucey, Graham Montague, Miles Bletchley, and my favorite of the group, Terence Higgs. My brother and Draco referred to them as the Hufflepuffs of the Slytherins because they were the complete opposite of the Slytherin stereotype and acted more like Hufflepuffs even though they were proud Slytherins.

Quickly walking towards Theodore, I said, "Theo, we have a problem." He sighed.

"No Dove, you have a problem. I have an idiot that keeps getting into problems." All I did was shrug because he wasn't wrong. "Whatever, what's the problem?"

"I may or may not have pulled a prank on Snape and I may or may not have gotten hurt while doing so." Beside Theo, Draco snickered but was quickly silenced with a glare from my end.

"How badly are you hurt?" Theo asked, concerned. "Only a bit." I softly said, pulling up my robe sleeve. However, the cut I was wearing was much worse than I said. It was still dripping with blood and had some dried blood caked on my arm.

"Why didn't you go to Madam Pomfrey?" He exclaimed.

"I couldn't. Snape knows that the person who pranked him accidentally cut their arm. He knew I would have to go to the hospital wing so obviously I can't go there. I'd get caught."

Of course, we knew basic healing spells but I certainly didn't know how to heal a deep cut on my arm. Also I had yet to mention to Theo the gash on my right thigh from setting up the prank. Again, I knew basic healing spells but I didn't know how to disinfect wounds.

"You can't bloody well leave your arm like that." Theo argued. "You're right. It is quite bloody." I said, staring at my arm.

"You know that's not what I meant." He said sternly.

"If only there was someone in the common room that is currently one of the youngest wizards to ever begin healer training, especially while still being a full time Hogwarts student." I said looking at a table just behind the two of them. They both turned around and Theo called out, "Higgs, can you come here for a moment?"

Terence looked up at the call of his surname and shot out of his seat at the sight of my arm.

"What on earth did you do, Nott?" He asked me before telling me to sit down and kneeling in front of me.

Terence Higgs OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon