She tilted her head in his direction and lowered her shades. "Say what?"

Liam nodded. "You heard me."

MJ turned her attention to the woman, taking off her shades completely as if she would learn everything there was to learn about Javier Mendoza by just looking at his ex wife.

"How did she end up here?" MJ asked, her mind wandering to the sign outside.

"This you will love. So, our madam was tricked by her sister-in-law, Brianna, who lured her under the guise of a new business opportunity just to mess with her brother." The dinner Brianna spoke about over the phone a few days ago, MJ thought. "They have two children together, but Javier is not a part of their lives; he had to leave them in order to protect them."

"The Mendoza curse," she thought out loud, remembering the conversation she had with Brianna when she recruited her. "So, I take it this is Javier Mendoza's secret and weakness?"

Liam shrugged. "You could say so."

"Well, I guess it is not that much of a secret if you found out about it." She was greeted by silence, a rather rimging silence, she turned to him, and he was staring ahead like a soldier awaiting commands. "Wait, and how exactly did you discover all this? If Javier Mendoza has kept them well hidden for this long, he would not slip up now for any reason."

Liam did not look like he was going to open his mouth any time soon, and before MJ could say anything else, Sienna walked towards with the couple she was hosting.

She walked them out and then headed back to MJ and Liam with a smile on her face, but it was impossible to miss the mistrust in her eyes. "Good day, Mr‐" she threw a challenging look at Liam.

Liam looked like he wanted to disappear. "Just Liam," he gritted.

"Of course," Sienna said mockingly in her deep voice. "And you must be his boss." MJ could not hide her shock as she threw Liam an accusing look. "Don't worry, he didn't say anything about you. You see, I've been in the real estate business for years to know a difference between a potential customer and a conman." Liam opened and closed his mouth like a fish. "Tell me something, do you think I make a habit of sleeping with every man that takes interest in buying my houses?"

MJ knew what it was that unsettled her about Sienna Ortiz, it was not only the fact that she was Javier Mendoza's ex wife, no. Men like him usually wanted a submissive woman who knew her place, but Sienna was nothing like that. She was a force to be reckoned, one could tell by just the way she handled herself, she was a strong, beautiful, and smart woman who made her presence and worth known.

"You were quite interested in my life, and I knew immediately that this had to do with Javier, so I told you everything so that you could realise that I have absolutely nothing to do with him and his sister. But I guess I shot myself on the foot, didn't I?"

"From where I'm standing, I think Liam shot himself on the foot," MJ finally spoke up, giving Liam a side glance. "I have to say, Ms Ortiz-"

"Sienna. Please call me Sienna."

MJ nodded. "Sienna, I am finding it hard to believe that you were married to Mr Mendoza. His current wife seemed like exactly his type."

Sienna chuckled in response, her eyes dancing with amusement. "I get what you mean. But tell me, what exactly did my husband do to you?" She asked.

"It's not about what he did to me, it's about what he can do for me," MJ admitted.

"Javier doesn't do favours."

She had thought about that, which was why she had resorted to this method, finding his biggest weakness. She knew the man was interested in her, he was exactly the type of man she would go out with if he was not so dangerous and living underground, she did not want anything that linked her to him, she did not want to owe him any favours because she knew that the price for his help would be high.

"Tell me, Sienna, if your children were in danger," Sienna tensed, sending a warning to MJ with her sharp eyes, but MJ did not budge. "How far would you be willing to go to save them?"

"I would even sell my soul to the devil if he could set fire to the perpetrators," Sienna declared in a heavy accent, and MJ nodded as if to tell her that she would do the same. "Do you have any children, Miss?"

MJ felt her body harden like granite, the blood rushing from her face, the sound of her rapid heartbeat drowning out everything else.

She felt her legs give way, but luckily, Liam caught her in time.

"MJ, are you okay?" He asked in a panicked voice.

MJ blinked and shook her head to clear her thoughts, and then she slowly pushed herself off Liam's side and removed his arm from around her waist.

"Liam, do you mind leaving us for a minute?" She could hardly recognise her own voice as she spoke, her hard eyes set on Sienna. Liam did not argue, he walked out of the house and closed the door behind him.

"Perhaps we should sit down, you don't look well," Sienna offered, and MJ staggered after her to the dining room, stopping next to the small round table. "Please sit, I'll get you a bottle of water so long." She left to the kitchen and returned with bottled water.

MJ inspected the bottle to make sure that it was still sealed. "Thank you," she said in a quiet whisper and took a sip of the water.

"I'm sorry," Sienna said after a while. "No woman ever has to go through the pain of losing a child. I've been there. It is something I have never shared with Javier, but there would have been a middle child, but I miscarried at almost 13 weeks."

MJ could feel the tears burning in her throat. "I had a daughter." she took in a shaky breath. "She was stillborn." She shrugged, a wavering smile on her face. "I had no control over what happened to her,I don't think I could have saved her even if I wanted. But I have a chance to save my brother, and at this point, Sienna, I don't care who I have to sacrifice to do that, but one thing I know is that I cannot do this alone and I am not willing to sell my soul to your husband."

Sienna did not seem fazed by how quickly MJ's moods and tone changed from one second to the next. "Look, I don't even know why I am doing this, but I am going to help you. But get this, I am not afraid of you." She leaned forward, an unspoken promise in her eyes. "And if you dare double-cross me, I'm going to make you pay dearly for it, one thing about me, darling, Javier Mendoza did not marry me for my charm."

MJ leaned forward, their faces almost touching. "When that day comes, darling," she said in an icy voice. "It is going to be doomsday."

Sienna moved back and stood up from her chair, staring down at MJ. There was hesitation in her eyes before she spoke. "If you want to get Javier on his knees, you need to hit him where it hurts. Miss..."

"Billings." MJ stood up with her hand held out. "MJ Billings."

Sienna looked stunned for a minute and she shook her hand wordlessly. "Miss Billings, uhm... as I was saying, every man in Javier's line of work value family, but they know the risks of having a family. If they lose their loved ones in casualty, the pain lives but life goes on. It makes them stronger and takes their business on new heights. If you want to corner Javier, whatever it is that you had planned here," she waved her hands between them. "It is not going to have the result you were hoping for,"she said with determination, mischief and danger gleaming in her eyes. "But I am going to help you, and I know just the way to have him at your mercy."

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