Issue 2

18 1 0

Page 1: We see a few zombies (not many, maybe 3) shambling around a neighborhood. Suddenly, the door to Lane's house is thrown open and Lane, James, and Brandon rush out. Lane has a hatchet, James has a machete strapped to his bag and his revolver in his hand, and Brandon has a crowbar. They jog quickly through the streets. As they do, Lane slashes through a zombies head with his hatchet and it crumbles to the ground. They continue to jog.

Page 2: The group passes a house and James says "This is where we stopped, right? Should be the next house." They reach the next house and all stop. Brandon begins trying to get inside but the door is locked. Lane says "Brandon and I will look for a way inside. Remember, we need to stay..." before he can finish, Brandon kicks the door in and it makes a very loud booming noise. "Jesus, you fucking idiot. You'll have the roamers all over us!" James yells at Brandon. "Fuck you, least I'm getting us in. Didn't see you doing shit." James begins to say something else but Lane interrupts saying "We don't have time for this, let's get inside." Brandon walks in and Lane follows, as he does he notices James staring angrily at Brandon but Lane grabs James's arm and says "Come on man..." while pulling him inside.

Page 3: They all go inside and Lane attempts to shut the door behind them but because Brandon kicked the door in, the door will no longer shut. Lane sighs and says "Now the door won't close. Next time, why don't you think for a second before just kicking the door in." "Give me a fucking break. Put the damn couch in front of the door and quit bitching. I'm sick of you two being on my ass all the time. This is the third house we've done today, sorry if I'm done fucking around with trying to get in for 20 damn minutes." Brandon replies. James says "Stop giving us reasons to be on your ass and we wouldn't be." Brandon says "Look here, we shouldn't even be here. You two dumbasses are the reason we're still here and not in Dallas already. We could be safe...not fucking around searching for scraps in some random ass house." Lane says "How many times must I say this...we needed a plan and supplies. We have no idea what's going on there, it's better to be prepared. We already agreed that we'd head to Dallas as soon as we have some decent supplies." "What the fuck ever, let's get this shit and get on." Brandon says. Lane and James look at each other and James shakes his head before they both grab the couch and move it in front of the door.

Page 4: Lane says "We're mostly in need of more water. We should be fine on food but obviously take whatever we can find." Right after he finishes talking, a zombie bangs on the door. The group all turn toward it. James looks toward Brandon, who rolls his eyes at him. The group spreads out throughout the house and begin searching for supplies. James goes straight to the kitchen and opens a few cabinets. Inside, he grabs a few cans. He then opens the refrigerator and finds a few bottles of water. "Hey! I found a few bottles of water in here!" He shouts out.

Page 5: Brandon is searching through the living room. He opens a few drawers but doesn't seem to find anything. He slams the drawer in anger and James looks back at him. "Can you fucking keep it down? In case you forgot, there's already a damn roamer banging on that fucking door because of you." Brandon flips James off. James rolls his eyes before continuing his search. Lane, who is down the hall, opens up a bedroom door while saying "Jesus, what is that smell." We see Lane's face, he looks disgusted and shocked. "Oh god..." Lane says as he backs away from the door. James walks up and asks "What's wrong..."

Page 6: *full page spread* He looks into the room and sees two decayed corpses. It looks like an older couple that committed suicide. "Oh fuck..." The man has a bloodied revolver still in his hands.

Page 7: Brandon comes into the door frame and says nothing at first. He turns his head away for a moment before turning back toward the room. Brandon slides past Lane and James and grabs the bloodied revolver out of the mans hands. "Well...I guess he won't be needing this anymore, right?" Lane gives Brandon a glare and James says "Really dude? Jesus Christ." Brandon says "I was just trying to lighten the mood...fuck you two are so uptight." Brandon flicks the barrel open and says "there's only four bullets left." "There's gotta be some more bullets for it somewhere...keep a look out." Lane says while entering the room. He walks over to the closet and opens the door and begins ruffling through it. James walks away with a sad look on his face. Brandon asks Lane while cleaning off the revolver "Did you know them? They aren't far from your place." Lane replies saying "Thankfully no...I don't think I could still be in here if I did." Brandon glances back at the couple with a sad look.

The Walking Dead: The Trials Volume 1: When The World FellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora