Chapter Forty Eight

Comincia dall'inizio

I know that feeling. It's terrifying. But if you wait to move until your hearing returns it'll be too late.

Kenzie reached out and cupped the sides of Lexi's face, forcing Lexi to look at her so she could read her lips.

"Run." Kenzie said loudly.

A faint rapid popping sound stole Kenzie's attention as Austin pulled both women to their feet, shielding them behind him. He shook his head with blood trailing from one of his ears as he checked the magazine of his gun and snapped it into place.

As soon as he'd checked his weapon a spray of bullets peppered the walls and cabinets around them.

They dropped and crawled on their bellies with Kenzie tugging at Zeus' collar for him to follow.

Austin leaned out from the side and returned fire only to have a hail of bullets rain down around them from multiple shooters.

There's too many of them.

Kenzie felt Austin pull her and they managed to crawl into the hallway connected to the kitchen as bullets continued to fly.

"Fuck." Austin muttered breathlessly. "We gotta move."

"But they'll shoot us in the back." Lexi said with tears in her eyes.

"We're sitting ducks here Lex. He's right."

"I'll draw em out and you two run down that hall and out the side patio door."

There were too many gunmen and Austin didn't have near enough ammo. He knew it. We knew it. It was a suicide mission and Austin was about to sacrifice himself so we could get away.

Lexi and Kenzie squeezed Austin tightly with tears stinging their eyes as the chaos continued, getting closer from the kitchen.

"Go now!" Austin said as he stood and bolted across the doorway, leading the shooters on a goose chase through the house.

Kenzie whistled for Zeus and grabbed Lexi's arm, taking off in the opposite direction.

The shooting continued and tears streamed down Lexi's face as they ran.

"We have to help Austin." Lexi whimpered.

I know but how? I don't even have a weapon.

They continued to run with sounds of rapid gunfire behind them, knowing those bullets were meant for Austin. It was gut wrenching to leave him, but he told them to run, so that's what they were going to do.

Kenzie and Lexi had almost reached the side patio door when two figures armed with large rifles appeared, stalling their forward motion.


With her hand on Zeus' collar, Kenzie took a hard stance in front of Lexi, using her body as a shield. They were in a hallway with no escape and Kenzie readied herself as the two assailants approached.

Zeus' hair bristled and he gnashed his teeth at Kenzie's side as the two men grew near.

"Zeus. Down." Kincaid's commanding voice echoed.

The ferocious Rottweiler immediately laid in a prone position on the ground at Kincaid's command and Kenzie's eyes grew wide when she saw the man at his side.


"Austin needs help!" Lexi screamed at Kincaid.

"Where?" Kincaid asked with his rifle drawn and aimed down the hall.

"Just beyond the kitchen."

"I'm on it." Banks said, giving a dazed Kenzie a peck on the top of the head as he brushed past her.

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