CHAPTER 3: PART 3 - (Un)Familiar Faces

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The Voice Of Susie Campbell

Everything feels like it's coming apart.

When I walked into the recording booth today, Sammy was there with that... Allison.

Apparently, I didn't get the memo. 

Edgar will now be voiced by Miss Allison Pendle.

A part of me died when he said that.

There's got to be a way to fix this!


Henry staggered to his feet, and walked out of the room. 

He came to a fork in the road, with a signpost that pointed two ways, the signs reading:  




The writing on the "demon" one was sloppier, but the "angel" one was written neatly and nicely. You could still tell it was the same person that wrote it, but they seemed to put more care into one than the other. 

Henry stepped into the demon side, and he heard a steel door shut. 

The entire room was filled with ink, with only a tape recording on a box left untouched.

He turned the tape recorder on with a *click*.


The Voice Of Joey Drew

There's nothing wrong with dreaming.

Wishing for the impossible is just human nature.

That's how I got started. Just a pencil and a dream. We all want everything without even having to lift a finger.

They say you just have to believe.

Belief can make you succeed.

Belief can make you rich.

Belief can make you powerful.

Why with enough belief, you can even cheat death itself. 

Now that... is a beautiful, and positively silly thought.



"You know, Joey, I believed, too. 

I believed you and your stupid letter and your stupid dreams, and now look where I am." Henry mumbled, clearly annoyed. 

He walked down a hallway, and opened the door at the end of it. 

Halfway down the hall, a Charley cutout jumped out at him, yet again. He turned the corner to reveal Barley. 

"OH! Oh, hi Henry! I was looking for you!"

He was holding a pipe, that read "GENT" on it. 

"Hey, I think you could use might come in handy, you know?" 

Henry took the pipe from the toon's hands, and swung it around a bit.

"Hmm. Not too shabby of a weapon. Thanks, buddy." He gave the sailor a small pat on the head, then opened the door next to them.

Plushes and clocks filled the room, with ink covering every inch of the floor. Henry creaked open the door across from them to reveal a large steel door. 

"Looks like we're gonna have to pull these levers at the same time." 

He noticed Barley giving an uneasy look to the hallway with steam coming out of it. 

"Barley, you do this one," He motioned to the lever next to the Charley statue, "I'll go over here."

Henry turned the steam-filled corner, and saw a poster with three toons he'd never seen before.

One was an imp of some sorts, with a white tie.

The tallest one was a wolf with a mean look in his eyes. 

The last one was a small woman, with horns upon her head. 

"'The Devil Gang', huh?"

As he reached for the lever, a creature jumped out from the poster. 

It was horrific, with gouged out eyes, one stitched into an "X". It was in the shape of the imp from the poster, but it had a hole in its stomach, and a missing hand, with a bone in its place. One of its legs was a plunger.

It swung the wrench in its hands at Henry, making "BLAH!" noises. Henry smacked it with the pipe he had, over and over, until it stopped moving and went limp on the ground, dissolving into a puddle. 

"What the heck was that thing!?"

He caught his breath for a moment, then pulled the lever. He heard the door open, and went over to Barley, who looked shaken up from the encounter. 

"H-Henry- what w-was that thing??"

"No idea, bud. Let's move on." 

They stepped through the doorway and came to an elevator. As they stepped into it, the doors shut automatically, and the intercom fizzled to life.

"You're so different..I have to say, I'm an instant fan." Henry recognized the voice from before. It was that "Edgar" person.

The voice chuckled a bit. 

"Looks like you've got a date with an angel!" 

Barley became surprised at the word "date", his face turning a light shade of grey. 

"Come to me now. Level Nine."

The tone of the voice changed to a malicious one. "Just follow the screams..." 

The intercom popped, and there was silence. 

Henry pressed the button that said "9" and the elevator moved.

"H-heh, wonder what he m-meant by 'date'..." Barley stuttered out, chuckling awkwardly.

They felt the elevator stop, and the doors opened.

Once again, the intercoms turned on.

"Come now, step out of your cage." The voice ordered the two.

"There's a whole twisted world out there."

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